For example, if you changed files/en-us/web/javascript/, open http://localhost:5000/en-us/docs/web/javascript in your browser. You might have noticed that at the top of each page that you preview, for example the http://localhost:5000/en-us/docs/web/javascript page, there is...
HTTP是一个client-server协议:请求通过一个实体被发出,实体也就是用户代理。大多数情况下,这个用户代理都是指浏览器,当然它也可能是任何东西,比如一个爬取网页来生成和维护搜索引擎索引的机器。 每一个发送到服务器的请求,都会被服务器处理并且返回一个消息,也就是response。在client与server之间,还有许许多多的被称...
processes http response codes intercepts progress notifications nsHttpConnection implementsnsIStreamListener&nsIStreamProvider talks to the socket transport service feeds data to its transaction object routes progress notifications nsHttpConnectionInfo identifies a connection ...
Again, the syntax for HTTP response status codes is really simple — a syntax block including the code and name. For example: 404 Not Found SVG reference syntax SVG elements SVG element syntax sections are non-existent — just like HTML element syntax sections. Each SVG element reference page...
/ja/docs/Web/HTTP/Response_codes/204 /ja/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/204 /ja/docs/Web/HTTP/Server-Side_Access_Control /ja/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS /ja/docs/Web/HTTP/X-Frame-Options /ja/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options /ja/docs/Web/Houdini /ja/docs/Web/API/Houdini /ja/docs/Web/Houdini ...
http Data forHTTPfeatures, including: headers- Request and response headers methods- Request methods status- Status codes javascript Data for JavaScript language features, including: builtins- Built-in objects classes- Class definition features
47 Cache Glossary, HTTP A cache (web cache or HTTP cache) is a component that stores HTTP responses temporarily so that it can be used for subsequent HTTP requests as long as it meets certain conditions. 48 Cacheable Glossary, WebMechanics A cacheable response is an HTTP response that can...
completionHandler:(void(^)(NSURLResponse*response,idresponseObject,NSError*error))completionHandler { // 初始化delegate对象 AFURLSessionManagerTaskDelegate*delegate=[[AFURLSessionManagerTaskDelegatealloc]init]; delegate.manager=self; // 将task的completionHandler赋给delegate,系统网络请求delegate 调用该block,...
With PencilKit, you can delve into the strokes, inks, paths, and points that comprise a drawing, use these to build features that use recognition, and modify drawings in response to input. Discover how you can... 21:50 Keep your complications up to date watchOS Time is of the ...
HTTP request methods GET HEAD OPTIONS POST HTTP response status codes 100 Continue 200 OK 201 Created 204 No Content 206 Partial Content 301 Moved Permanently 302 Found 303 See Other 304 Not Modified 307 Temporary Redirect 308 Permanent Redirect 404 Not Found 406 Not Acceptable 410 Gone 412 ...