The :nth-child() CSS pseudo-class matches elements based on the indexes of the elements in the child list of their parents. In other words, the :nth-child() selector selects child elements according to their position among all the sibling elements within
The content CSS property replaces content with a generated value. It can be used to define what is rendered inside an element or pseudo-element. For elements, the content property specifies whether the element renders normally (normal or none) or is repl
The display CSS property sets whether an element is treated as a block or inline box and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex.
selectors-list ::= selector[:pseudo-class] [::pseudo-element] [, selectors-list] properties-list ::= [property : value] [; properties-list] I'm trying to get familiar with CSS and I'd be happy to understand the rules of reading these (from
background是CSS简写属性,用来集中设置各种背景属性。background可以用来设置一个或多个属性:background-color,background-image,background-position,background-repeat,background-size,background-attachment。 background将指定的背景属性设为明确给定的值,将没有指定的背景属性设为初始值。
The text-transform CSS property specifies how to capitalize an element's text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all-lowercase, or with each word capitalized. It also can help improve legibility for ruby.
The list-style-type CSS property sets the marker (such as a disc, character, or custom counter style) of a list item element.
The writing-mode CSS property sets whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically, as well as the direction in which blocks progress. When set for an entire document, it should be set on the root element (html element for HTML documents).
CSS Content/* use a class rather that an element selector to give more flexibility. Below is a simple string example, but don't forget add a leading space in the text string for spacing purposes */ .newEntry::after { content: " New!"; color: red; }...
The CSS Object Model (CSSOM) is a map of all CSS selectors and relevant properties for each selector in the form of a tree, with a root node, sibling, descendant, child, and other relationship. The CSSOM is very similar to the DOM. Both of them are part of the critical rendering pat...