此重定向是重定向到 MDM 托管的“用户条款”终结点的整页重定向。 下面是一个示例 URLhttps://fabrikam.contosomdm.com/TermsOfUse。 以下参数在查询字符串中传递: 项目说明 redirect_uri用户接受或拒绝使用条款后,用户将被重定向到此 URL。 client-request-id用于关联日志以进行诊断和调试的 GUID。 使用此参数可...
What is the URL for the Intune MDM parameter MDM-Terms-of-Use-URL? The default lists this as https://portal.manage.microsoft.com/TermsofUse.aspx, which produces message "MDM Terms of use endpoint is...Show More Intune MDM Like 0 Reply ...
MDM Terms of Use URL – The URL of the terms of use endpoint of the MDM service. The terms of use endpoint is used to display the terms of service to end-users before enrolling their devices for management. The terms of use text informs users about the policies that will be enforced o...
That information can trigger device-based use cases (handset configuration, real-time personalized offers generation). It can also feed other solutions addressing other business priorities (e.g., EIR (Equipment Identity Register) regulation, steering of roaming, M2M management, SIM OTA campaigns, pr...
“rejectedTermsOfUse”“idErrorRejectedTermsOfUse”您的組織要求您同意使用規定。 請再試一次,或洽詢您的支持人員以取得詳細資訊。 0x801c0001“idErrorServerConnectivity”, // DSREG_E_DEVICE_MESSAGE_FORMAT_ERROR與伺服器通訊時發生錯誤。 您可以嘗試再次執行此動作,或使用錯誤碼連絡系統管理員 {0} ...
As a professional iPhone Password Unlock tool, AnyUnlock is one of the best iPhone unlocker that you can use for MDM bypass. It provides an easy solution to bypass MDM remote management without a username or password. Or, completely remove local device management from your iPhone or iPad, ...
Out-of-box-experienceTo join a domain:Select My work or school owns it, then select Next. Select Join Microsoft Entra ID, and then select Next. Type in your Microsoft Entra username. This username is the email address you use to log into Microsoft Office 365 and similar services. If the...
It is also recommended to configureServer Privacy Settingsto ensure data privacy on the server,Device Privacy Settingsto ensure data privacy on the managed devices andTerms of Usewhich sets the mandate for the data collected and purposes for collecting the same. ...
MDM Terms of use URL: Copy the Terms of use URL from ZCC and paste it here. MDM discovery URL: Copy the Discovery URL from ZCC and paste it here. Click the On-premises MDM application settings link for additional configurations. Click Overview and Copy the Application ID URL from ZCC and...
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