Server URL: https://YOUR_HOSTNAME_OR_IP:8080/server Check In URL: https://YOUR_HOSTNAME_OR_IP:8080/checkin Topic: string (same as General->Identifier) Identity: identity.p12 Sign messages: Checked Check out when removed: Unchecked ...
redirect_uri After the user accepts or rejects the Terms of Use, the user is redirected to this URL. client-request-id A GUID that is used to correlate logs for diagnostic and debugging purposes. Use this parameter to log or trace the state of the enrollment request to help find the root...
GetRevocationURL 方法检索可从中下载更新组件的 URL。 语法 C++ 复制 HRESULT GetRevocationURL( [in, out] LPWSTR *ppwszRevocationURL, [in, out] DWORD *pdwBufferLen, [out] DWORD *pdwRevokedBitFlag ); 参数 [in, out] ppwszRevocationURL 指向包含吊销 URL 的字符串的指针。 此缓冲区由调用方创建...
Hi, At our company, some teams are working with Apple Vision Pro because they are hoping to find new technical solutions for the business. We...
Verify that you can reach the URL for the MDM Device Management Server from the client and the MDM Device Management Server. To do this, perform the following steps:On the device, type \Deviceupdate.log to determine if logging is enabled. Find the URL in the SCMDM2008DeviceManagement ...
Table 15-2 Oracle PIM Server Details Screen Fields FieldDescription Oracle Product Hub Host Name This is the computer name of the Oracle Product Hub (PIM) application. For example: To find the value, contact your administrator. Oracle Product Hub Host Name is ___...
208O.0,kl$BPE": v InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server E"PD v &CLr~qwD5 v }]bm~D5 gN"Mb{ zD4!\X*,PzZRGa)n<7M_J?DE"#g{zT>irNNd{ InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server D5PNNb{,k9CTBm%rRG"Mb {: V10.1.0 PDBvZ] IBM InfoSphere Master ...
这是因为新的配置文件使用不同的密钥进行加密,无法与先前的密钥匹配。要解决这个问题,您可以执行以下操作:1. 删除旧的设备管理配置文件,然后重新安装新的配置文件。2. 如果您使用的是基于云的MDM解决方案,请确保将设备注册到正确的云账户中。3. 如果您使用的是本地MDM解决方案,请确保您的MDM服务...
User navigates to the first URL in order to start the enrollment process. User authenticates using the web view. Server returns a payload to request device attributes. Payload is signed using the trusted server certificate. Mobile device POST (first) the requested information. Payload is signed ...