Mobile Device Manager Plus is a comprehensive MDM solution that manages and secures devices, apps, and data from a unified console Start your free 30-day trial Sign upCloudDownloadOn-premises ManageEngine recognized in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Unified Endpoint Management Tools ...
ManageEngine recognized in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Unified Endpoint Management Tools ManageEngine is recognized as a Strong Performer in the Forrester Wave: Unified Endpoint Management, Q4 2021 Zoho (ManageEngine) cited as a Leader in the 2022 IDC MarketScape for Unified Endpoint...
每年一度《产品数据解决方案的主数据管理魔力象限》(Magic Quadrant for Master Data Management of Product Data Solutions)会按照“执行能力”、“前瞻性”等多个标准,把优异MDM软件厂商列为领导者、挑战者、远见者和特定领域者。Stibo Systems凭借其主数据管理解决方案出色的客户导向跻身领导者之列。 根据Gartner公司...
AirWatch是企业级智能手机安全和移动设备管理提供解决方案领域的全球领导者和创新者。AirWatch在Gartner, Inc.的2011年移动设备管理软件魔力象限(Magic Quadrant for Mobile Device Management Software)中位列领导象限。AirWatch帮助部署、保障、追踪和管理企业内Android、Apple的iOS、BlackBerry、Windows Mobile、Windows 7和Sy...
日前,Gartner发布2022年网络防火墙魔力象限报告《Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls, 2022》,Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络)凭借平台级安全方法和为客户提供一流网络安全的能力,又一次当选该报告“领导者象限”。这已经是Palo Alto Networks(...
AirWatch在Gartner, Inc.的2011年移动设备管理软件魔力象限(Magic Quadrant for Mobile Device Management Software)中位列领导象限。AirWatch帮助部署、保障、追踪和管理企业内Android、Apple的iOS、BlackBerry、Windows Mobile、Windows 7和Symbian整个设备组。2011年10月,Info-Tech Research Group在公司的移动设备管理供应商...
and recycling devices including data wiping and buy-back programs. These services go along with our award-winning software that automates the entire lifecycle from quotes to orders to invoices, payments, and more. A 10-time visionary in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for MMS, Tangoe is trusted by ...
Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Master Data Management Solutions, By Sally Parker, Malcolm Hawker, Simon Walker, Published 6 December 2021. "Riversand has been named a Leader in “The Forrester Wave: Product Information Management, Q2 2021*” report." **Forrester, “The Forrester Wave™: Product...
2) Gartner's magic quadrant for PIM (2007) The gist is as follwos: 1) CDI--IBM and Siebel are in leader quadrant, Oracle ,SAP etc are in niche players. 2) PIM--Leadership quadrant is vacant. Challanger's quadrant contains IBM. Overall, the MDM market even though in its infancy ...
IDC November 2011 MobileIron was the only vendor with top ratings in all four Gartner MDM Magic Quadrant and Critical Capabilities categories (execution, vision, viability, capability) MobileIron Confidential 9 9 Customer success: Key item on CIO agenda "MobileIron's strength is its ease of use ...