可以通过将设备加入 Active Directory 域或Microsoft Entra域,将公司拥有的设备连接到工作。 Windows 不需要在加入Microsoft Entra ID或本地 Active Directory域的设备上拥有个人Microsoft帐户。备注 对于已加入本地 Active Directory的设备,请参阅组策略注册。
连接公司拥有的 Windows 设备可以通过将设备加入 Active Directory 域或Microsoft Entra域,将公司拥有的设备连接到工作。 Windows 不需要在加入Microsoft Entra ID或本地 Active Directory域的设备上拥有个人Microsoft帐户。备注 对于已加入本地 Active Directory的设备,请参阅组策略注册。
连接公司拥有的 Windows 设备可以通过将设备加入 Active Directory 域或Microsoft Entra域,将公司拥有的设备连接到工作。 Windows 不需要在加入Microsoft Entra ID或本地 Active Directory域的设备上拥有个人Microsoft帐户。备注 对于已加入本地 Active Directory的设备,请参阅组策略注册。
MDM for Windows 11 版本 22H2 中的新增功能 展开表 新文章或更新的文章说明 DeviceStatus添加了以下节点: MDMClientCertAttestation eUUIC添加了以下节点: IsDiscoveryServer PersonalDataEncryption新建 CSP 策略云解决方案提供商添加了以下节点: Accounts/RestrictToEnterpriseDeviceAuthenticationOnly ...
注册期间可访问的 CSPWindows 10支持: - DMClient - CertificateStore - RootCATrustedCertificates - ClientCertificateInstall - EnterpriseModernAppManagement - PassportForWork -政策 - w7 APPLICATION 使用Microsoft Entra ID 管理协议 有两种不同的 MDM 注册类型与 Microsoft Entra ID 集成,并使用Microsoft Entra用户...
管理者可以登記透過 Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 登錄的 Windows 10 + 裝置,以與 MaaS360 MDM 共存。
I think this demonstrates very well that there's some improvements that could be made to the troubleshooting tools available to a client managed by Intune. Any first line technician can remember "gpresult /R" to get a basic list of what policies are ...
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/mdm/new-in-windows-mdm-enrollment-management That’s it, we’ve learned that there is a new policy added to Windows 10 1803 that will control if MDM policies win over Group Policies (where applicable, not all Group Policie...
We recommend that enterprises use a pilot device with the Windows 10 Mobile Upgrade Advisor app installed. The pilot device provides the device model and MO used by the enterprise. When you run the app on the pilot device, it will tell you t...
There are separate CSS files for Windows client devices, OOBE, and post-OOBE experiences. Download the Windows templates and CSS files (1.1.4).For Windows 10, use oobe-desktop.css For Windows 11, use oobe-light.cssUsing themesAn MDM page must adhere to a predefined theme depending on the...