一.问题描述 之前修改一个项目,编译时文件报错,Device显示startup_stm32g031xx.s (Startup)system_stm32g0xx.c(Startup)感叹号,如图所示 编译时也会报use of undeclared identifier 'RCC CFGR SWS HSE等错误 二.解决方法 1.鼠标悬停在文件上方,查看文件地址 2.找到Device文件夹,将其删除 3.重新使用keil打开工...
D:/Keil_v5/Arm/Packs/ARM/CMSIS/5.7.0/CMSIS/DSP/Source/CommonTables/arm_const_structs.c(66): error: use of undeclared identifier ‘ARMBITREVINDEXTABLEF64_256_TABLE_LENGTH’ 256, (const float64_t *)twiddleCoefF64_256, armBitRevIndexTableF64_256, ARMBITREVINDEXTABLEF64_256_TABLE_LENGTH ...
2014-08-09 11:32 − 错误代码及错误信息 错误释义 error 1: Out of memory 内存溢出 error 2: Identifier expected 缺标识符 error&nb... 阳台 2 15832 ios常见的错误与警告 2012-11-06 20:07 − 一、常见的错误信息1. error: 'xxx' undeclared(first use in this function) 还没有定义(在...
As technical co-founder of Drivible I figured it’s time to create an event streaming system which we could use for both background tasks (we have a database heavy task system but need something light) and also something we can use for things like Webhooks and eventually a whole lot of...