Table4-1给出了MIDO的时序图,可以看出读操作的start+OPcode为0110,写操作的start+OPcode为0101.然后是PHYAD[4:0]配置的5bit PHYaddress,再加上寄存器的地址,您这里为什么说寄存器的地址都是0101?
Palanikumar E Prodigy 50 points Part Number: DP83620 Hi Experts, In our Project, we are using DP83620SQE/NOPB Ethernet Transceiver (RMII mode). During DVT Testing of Ethernet section, We have identified failure in MDC to MDIO (output) Delay Time with respect to Datasheet. Instea...
芯片丝印 CH1:MDC CH3:MDIO_MAC CH2:MDIO_PHY RESET(reset=0)期间MDIO电平是正常的 RESET完成后...
Will DeCook Prodigy 240 points I'm having trouble talking to my DP83867IRPAPT. When looking at the MDIO line, I see the signals coming from the fpga and the phy attempting to respond. The problem is that the levels of these signals are far too low. VDDIO is 1.8V. The ...
目前项目应用是网络管理口MDIO/MDC,主控的MDIO/MDC接口只能是3.3V的电平,然后主控的RGMII接口是2.5V电平,我目前选择外部PHY是2.5V的RGMII接口,因此目前存在一个3.3V的MDIO/MDC转2.5V的MDIO/MDC的要求,因为不知道这种接口有没有特殊要求,目前不知道怎么选型。该接口的 最大会在8.3MHz,MDIO/MDC一共两个...
通过BMCR分析A口支持自协商,而B口为固定100M,全双工。所以希望通过软件实现对B口配置自协商,当对B口进行00h地址写入时,其他位都可以更改,唯独第9位,第12位不能被更改,一直为0。这两位也就是自协商相关功能位,因此,这种方式配置自协商失败。 我的问题是, ...
Jesus Guzman Prodigy 100 points Part Number: DP83869HM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83869 Hello, I downloaded the DP83869 IBIS model but noticed that the corresponding models for the MDIO signal has different models available: Are any of the models representative of the open drain behavior...
Hi, I want to use the dual-XAUI transceiver TLK3138, and would like to know how to handle the dual-MDIO-interface. - What is the purpose of providing two MDIO
我们研究几天了,但还是这种现象,板子是新买的,软件也是官网下的,请问这是什么原因呢?有解决办法吗? 你先看看是不是遇到了和此贴一样的错误。 这个也是读写DP83630 出错。
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLK10002 您好! REFCLK采用的是122.8M时钟输入。参考mdio-bitbang.c 使用GPIO模拟MDIO时序。 1 读偶数次TLK10002(例如2次、4次等),调试发现TLK10002 TA是低电压。 2 读奇数次(例如1次