Breadcrumbs apple-computer-literacy / Install-Mdict-Dictionaries-to-macOS-Dictionary.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 147 lines (102 loc) · 5.71 KB Raw Mdict 词典转换 0. Mdict 格式词典下载 和mdict.org上有很多 Mdict 格式的词典文件。Mdict 的词典文件,通常由...
MDICT is the best dictionary for English learning purpose. Dictionary features: - Find words, collocations, phrases, and meanings. - Listen to voice in both British and American English accents. - Search by voice input. - Select word to find meaning. ...
简介 MDICT is the best dictionary for English learning purpose. Dictionary features: - Find words, collocations, phrases, and meanings. - Listen to voice in both British and American English accents. - Search by voice input. - Select word to find meaning. 更多 新内容 版本记录 ...
可以在百度网盘下载一个压缩包,解压缩后,把其中六个词典目录挪到 ~/Library/Dictionaries 目录之下即可,重新启动,cmd+, 在对话框里选择新安装的词典。链接: 提取码: buqnCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.dictionary Collins COB...
参考:Mdict to macOS Dictionary转换笔记 | Kaihao's Blog 我输入下面的命令 ,执行转换 find OtherResources -name "*.spx" -execdir sh -c 'spx={};speexdec $spx ${spx%.*}.wav' \; 在转换过程中,会用 vi 打开.spx文件 , 我保存后;
macOS Dictionary生成工具使用 wikit。 向以上资源的分享者、制作者和开发者致敬。 上传这个词典文件,供下载测试,请提宝贵意见。限于上传文件大小限制,MP3发音文件没有包括进来,可以手动复制MP3文件到相应文件中,看看测试效果。 (1.9 MB) 没有太关注排版,主要是参考CALD的样式。 这个词典名字还没...
MDICT is the best dictionary for English learning purpose. Dictionary features: - Find words, collocations, phrases, and meanings. - Listen to voice in both Bri…
MDict is a dictionary software that support multi-language. It dosen't bundle with dictionary data. But it's a open platform that you can download many pre-built dictionary datas by others. This Mac version has almost the same feature as the ipad version. Key features include: 1. Very fas...
mdx_builder = IndexBuilder('path/to/your/dictionary.mdx') # 查询词条 result = mdx_builder.mdx_lookup('reverse engineering') print(result) # 加载 .mdd 文件 mdd_builder = IndexBuilder('path/to/your/resources.mdd') # 查询资源 resource = mdd_builder.mdd_lookup('\image.png') print(resource...
MDict:仅支持 mdx/mdd 欧路词典:支持 mdx/mdd ▌平台 GoldenDict:Linux, Windows, macOS, Android ...