DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria Criterion A At least5out of 9 symptoms present in the same2-weekperiod and represent a change from previous functioning,AND At least1of the 5 symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure (anhedonia). ...
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is prevalent, often chronic, and requires ongoing monitoring of symptoms to track response to treatment and identify early indicators of relapse. Remote Measurement Technologies (RMT) provide an opportunity to transform the measurement and management of MDD, via data col...
s DSM-IV criteria (APA, 1994)). For BDI-II, worthlessness, loss of energy, agitation, and concentration difficulty were added as new symptoms of depression. The 21 items that comprise BDI-II are categorized into cognitive, affective, somatic, and vegetative symptoms of depression. The 21 ...
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). 5th ed. Washington: America Psychiatric Association; 2013. Google Scholar Conradi HJ, Ormel J, de Jonge P. Presence of individual (residual) symptoms during depressive episodes and periods of remission: a 3-year prospective study....
This study examined the test-retest reliability and familial concordance (an indicator of validity) of the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), a disorder consisting of nine core symptoms, most of which are aggregated (e.g., symptom 7 of the DSM criteria for MDD is worthlessness or ...
DSM criteria are currently less useful for measuring psychiatric symptoms and disorders on a continuum. Major depressive disorder is classified as a mood disorder, with diagnosis hinging on the presence of a single episode or of recurrent major depressive episodes (MDE) [1]. The gold standard ...
The term Major depressive disorder was introduced by a group of US clinicians in the mid-1970s as part of proposals for diagnostic criteria based on patterns of symptoms (called the "Research Diagnostic Criteria", building on earlier Feighner Criteria), and was incorporated in to the DSM-III ...
a) The diagnosis o MDD is based on criteria rom the DSM-IV-TR. The symptom criteria can be recalled using the SIGECAPS mnemonic (see below). A diagnostic questionnaire such as the PHQ-9 (Appendix 1) can also be help ul to identi y key symptoms. [Level 2] b) In the di erent...
Current diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) are based solely on a set of symptoms and observable behaviors. MDD is characterised by a persistent low mood and/or an inability to experience usual feelings of enjoyment, associated with disturbances in sleep, appetite and psychomotor...
Moreover, people with depression often describe symptoms in ways that are hard to align with standardized criteria sets. Depression encompasses multiple types of symptoms and occurs on a spectrum of severity, which further complicates diagnoses. These characteristics of depression reaffirm the need for...