Maple Leaf High School breaks through the constraints of collegeentrance examination and implements process evaluation. After graduating,studentscan apply to domestic and International universities, and achieving “Dual”pathways. Enrollment Target 1.Grade 9 st...
康奈尔大学在纽约伊萨卡、纽约市和卡塔尔多哈设有办事处,为研究、教学和公众参与创造了独特的氛围 Cornell offers nearly 80 formal majorfields, listed below, as well as challenging dual-degree programs and a scoreof interdisciplinary majors that cross...
The college application process is a meaningful journey that encourages you to reflect on yourself, your community, and your interests. Your voice matters, and we can’t wait to hear your story. When applying to Penn, you wil...
AI赋能 Shenzhen has introduced a suite of policy documents and measures aimed at establishing itself as a pioneering city in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The city is implementing the “AI+” action plan and...
Geological engineering is the applicationof science to problems involving the Earth, its physical environment, earthmaterials, and natural resources. The program prepares students for graduatestudy or practice in geology, geochemistry, geophysics, o...
The Wagner Graduate School of PublicService is founded, notable for its focus on the application of social sciencetheory within an urban setting. 瓦格纳公共服务研究生院成立,以其专注于社会科学理论在城市环境中的应用而闻名 1939 NYU's enrollment...