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HMHA1 siGENOME MDA-MB-231, triangular shape.bmpChris, BakalPatricia Pascual, VargasSam, CooperJulia, SeroVicky, BousgouniMar, AriasGarciaSpringer Nature, Admin
Our results show that PR_b-functionalized stealth liposomes were able to specifically bind to MDA-MB-231 cells, and the binding could be controlled by varying the peptide concentration. The intracellular trafficking of the doxorubicin liposomes was examined, and within minutes after delivery the ...
RT-PCR, real-time PCR and western blot analysis of PRDX6 differentially expressed in MDA-MB-231HM (lDa-Qiang LiYi-feng HouJiong WuJinsong LuG. DiW. JinZ. OuZ. ShenXin Shao