Not all functions are present in all versions of the DLL. For historical reasons, the function names are not entirely consistent with respect to the input format. Functions accepting binary deals will end on Bin, and those accepting PBN deals will end on PBN in the future. At some point ex...
We present a simple model of an entrepreneur going public in an environment with poor legal protection of outside shareholders. The model incorporates elements of Becker's (1968) crime and punishment' framework into a corporate finance environment of Jensen and Meckling (1976). We examine the ent...
品牌名称Amphenol 商品型号MDT180A02001 商品编号C4697509 商品封装SMD,P=0.5mm,卧贴 包装方式 编带 商品毛重 1.957克(g) 数据手册 商品参数 资料纠错查看类似商品 属性参数值 商品目录 金手指连接器 间距 0.5mm 引脚总数 67P 安装方式 卧贴 属性参数值 触头材质 铜合金 触头镀层 金 工作温度范围 -40℃~+80℃...
商品名称:MDT180A02001-ND 商品类别:射频同轴连接器 商品型号:SM-417-2150582 商品品牌:Amphenol Commercial Products 商品封装:- 商品年份:17+ 商品描述:MDT180A02001-ND是连接器的一种,是由Amphenol Commercial Products设计和生产,使用的封装为-,当前MDT180A02001-ND库存比较稳定,也可以在线咨询,选择订货。深铭...
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MTO Print in Brisbane has one of the earliest GTO machines to come into Australia, a demo model that was 'put on a truck and toured around the country showcasing the new press', says MTO Print's Bill Nicholson, a man who has been in the print game for 50 years. "Our model has a...
7月10日至12日,天津市委宣传部副部长徐中带领代表团来和开展对口支援系列活动。此次活动,是天津市委宣传部认真贯彻落实第九次全国对口支援新疆工作会议精神,对照任务清单,细化工作举措,推动文化润疆和新闻宣传具体任务的务实举措。 天津市委宣传部一行与天津援疆前...
“感谢你们不辞辛苦帮我找回丢失的手机,你们辛苦了,为人民的好警察点赞。”从民警手中接过失而复得的手机后,群众崔先生连声感谢道。 近日,辖区群众崔先生报警称,其放在楼下摩托车内的手机不见了,里面存有很多重要的信息,请民警帮助查找。接到报警后,民警首...