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Able to load LoRA and Control Net stacks via its 'lora_stack' and 'cnet_stack' inputs. Can cache multiple Checkpoint, VAE, and LoRA models. (cache settings found in config file 'node_settings.json') Used by the XY Plot node for many of its plot type dependencies. Ksampler & Ksampler...
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6.甲.乙两物体在同一地点同时开始做直线运动的v-t图象如图所示.根据图象提供的信息可知下列说法正确的是( )A.6 s末乙追上甲B.在乙追上甲之前.甲.乙相距最远为10 mC.8 s末甲.乙两物体相遇.且离出发点有32 mD.在0-4 s内与4-6 s内甲的平均速度大小相等