主要做学习理论, 做的最多的是 bandit 和 RL theory, 也做过分布式优化和传统的机器学习理论; 申请主要是 general machine learning theory, 因为实际上是EE出身代码能力也还行,也想做一些 application。 选校 StanfordEE MIT@EECS, UCB@EECS, CMU@ECE, UW@CS, UIUC@CS, Cornell@CS, Harvard@SEAS, UIUC@...
x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"xmlns:mdxam="clr-namespace:MdXaml;assembly=MdXaml"Title="MainWindow"Height="450"Width="800"> <mdxam:MarkdownScrollViewerxml:space="preserve"> # sample title * document1 * two * three * document2 </mdxam:MarkdownScrollViewer> </Window>...
7.5.5 (2023-11-15) Bug Fixes accordion-group: correct accordion is open on load (#28510) (a000dd2), closes #28506 action-sheet: adjust height for safe area with scrollable options (#28504) (900267e), closes #27777 header: collapsible large title does not flicker when collapse prop...
bilibili.name.format.clipTitle.allowNull为true时功能启用(默认关闭),此时可以配合条件判断进行使用,避免文件名出现冗余的重复信息。 其它详见V6.37...V6.38 V6.37 2024-11-24 修复:纠正一键下载时,以日期作为条件判断不准确的错误 #235 修复:更新字幕api的解析 #232 其它详见V6.36...V6.37 V6.36 2024-10-27...
1.25, 早上起床发现被UCB戏耍,6点多有一封邮件title: MIT application, 一看是之前的老师约了具体的...
Fix child page slug when title is deleted 3.43.0 (2023-03-29) Adds Add the possibility to override the default "Add Item" button label by setting the itemLabel option of an array field. Adds touch task for every piece type. This task invokes update on each piece, which will execute ...
所有测试均在 SpringbootElasticsearchApplicationTests中编写 注入RestHighLevelClient @Autowired public RestHighLevelClient restHighLevelClient; 索引的操作 1、索引的创建 // 测试索引的创建, Request PUT liuyou_index @Test public void testCreateIndex() throws IOException { CreateIndexRequest request = new Cr...
The TOC contains information about what is recorded on the disc, the disc title, song titles, and so on. The TOC EDIT indicator lights up when the TOC needs to be updated, usually after a new recording or edit. You must update the TOC before ejecting a disc or turning off MD4. It...
A graph-based algorithm for optimal control of switched systems: An application to car parking. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 2021, 66, 6049–6055. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Jin, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Jing, Y.; Fu, J. An average dwell-time method for fault-tolerant control of switched ...
defget_md_title_path(file_path,root_path): # Get the common prefix of the two paths common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([file_path, root_path]) # Get the different parts of the two paths diff1 = file_path[len(common_prefix)+1:] ...