". The answer is YES. Bankruptcy can be a powerful tool to help families and individuals get their finances under control when they have become too much. Filing bankruptcy can prevent a foreclosure, auto repossession, aggressive tax collectors, collection calls/letters and wage garnishment. The au...
{ "isFMLS": false, "street": "1547 N Sierra Bonita Ave", "city": "Los Angeles", "state": "CA", "zip": "90046", "countryCode": "US" }, "mortgageCalculatorInfo": { "displayLevel": 1, "dataSourceId": 40, "listingPrice": 3595000, "downPaymentPercentage": 20, "propertyTax...
If you a public healthcare system it would be the same figure, less of your tax money that paid for it would go towards your healthcare and more towards all the money the government can steal, spend on jobs for their friends to run you only need insurance for something you dont anticipa...
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