proscience | surgimax | herolab | 3D Biomatrix | 3D Matrix | 3dhistech | 3h biomedical | 3hbiomedical | 3-M Company | 4adi | 4rtilab | 5 prime | 5prime | a & g pharmaceuticals | A&D Weighing | a.g scientific | Aalto | Aalto Scientific | aaltoscientific | aat bioquest | aat...
proscience | surgimax | herolab | 3D Biomatrix | 3D Matrix | 3dhistech | 3h biomedical | 3hbiomedical | 3-M Company | 4adi | 4rtilab | 5 prime | 5prime | a & g pharmaceuticals | A&D Weighing | a.g scientific | Aalto | Aalto Scientific | aaltoscientific | aat bioquest | aat...
Star Wars,Altered States, Her,Alphaville,evenMad Max’sdystopian vision proved compelling. I actually worked for a company that produced the special effects forBlade Runnerand was creating IMAX-type technology. It was clear in the ‘90s and early 2000s that technology was going to ra...
IMAX – trademark, so use as an adjective, not a noun inbox index – plural: indices, not indexes (esp. in technical contexts) infrared inkjet install – install on a computer, install to a hard drive internet (do not capitalise unless at start of sentence or in title case) Internet of...
到坡以后发现类似的好去处就是Science Center了。这个规模大许多,有科学馆、IMAX、Snow City和KidsStop,每一个都有单独门票,也有套票。刚结束的变形金刚纪念展也在科学馆旁边的别馆。Snow City和KidsStop偏向游乐设施类,我们一般就只去主馆以及看IMAX。 主...
Yeah, and there’s a lot,likesmart phone technology, 3D IMAX technology and video games. My favorite would be smart phones. The trend of smart phones nowadays is to link your phone with whatever devices you’re gonna use,which iscalled Inter...
proscience | surgimax | herolab | 3D Biomatrix | 3D Matrix | 3dhistech | 3h biomedical | 3hbiomedical | 3-M Company | 4adi | 4rtilab | 5 prime | 5prime | a & g pharmaceuticals | A&D Weighing | a.g scientific | Aalto | Aalto Scientific | aaltoscientific | aat bioquest | aat...
proscience | surgimax | herolab | 3D Biomatrix | 3D Matrix | 3dhistech | 3h biomedical | 3hbiomedical | 3-M Company | 4adi | 4rtilab | 5 prime | 5prime | a & g pharmaceuticals | A&D Weighing | a.g scientific | Aalto | Aalto Scientific | aaltoscientific | aat bioquest | aat...
proscience | surgimax | herolab | 3D Biomatrix | 3D Matrix | 3dhistech | 3h biomedical | 3hbiomedical | 3-M Company | 4adi | 4rtilab | 5 prime | 5prime | a & g pharmaceuticals | A&D Weighing | a.g scientific | Aalto | Aalto Scientific | aaltoscientific | aat bioquest | aat...
proscience | surgimax | herolab | 3D Biomatrix | 3D Matrix | 3dhistech | 3h biomedical | 3hbiomedical | 3-M Company | 4adi | 4rtilab | 5 prime | 5prime | a & g pharmaceuticals | A&D Weighing | a.g scientific | Aalto | Aalto Scientific | aaltoscientific | aat bioquest | aat...