We hired this vendor for our 10/19/24 wedding, The photobooth was perfect, and the employee who handled it was amazing! He stayed on top of putting the tickets into our book, and that also turned out great. 10/10 would highly recommend!
68 shiyutim/tickets 大麦、大麦网 演唱会抢票软件,一个基于 tauri + rust + vue 调用接口的抢票软件。 1105 3 2024-05-08 69 KUN1007/kun-galgame-nuxt3 The CUTEST Visual Novel / Galgame Forum! KUN Visual Novel project. KUN Visual Novel Forum 2nd generation! 407 2 2024-05-03 70 Hacker233/...
AdvancedMD offers customer support via phone, help desk tickets and live web chat. The company also includes remote access technical support, which allows a support agent to take control of a user’s device to troubleshoot any problems. FYI New patient features available with AdvancedMD include ...
tickets must be reserved in advance online, unless you ride there on a bus from the Rockville Metro Station to cut down on your carbon footprint. Then, you can get in without a ticket).
AI-powered support assistance that finds answers from previous tickets. ❔ Bahasa Bahasa.Ai - Chatbot Which Serves Customers Fully. Automation that helps your business serves millions of happy customers fastlyâ��powered by AI specially built for Bahasa Indonesia. ❔ EddyAI Sell and Support...
Features include multi-lingual knowledgebase, community discussions and private tickets integrated with email. 1300 207 45 10 days ago lamernews Lamer News -- an HN style social news site written in Ruby/Sinatra/Redis/JQuery 1300 372 20 18 hours ago WhatWeb Next generation web scanner 1295 79 ...
The Lottery Tickets Hypothesis for Supervised and Self-supervised Pre-training in Computer Vision Models(计算机视觉模型中监督和自我监督预训练的彩票假设) paper | codeThe Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Object Recognition(用于对象识别的彩票假设) paper...
Come and join us for the watch party, Sports Committee will provide 20 free tickets only for AmCham members. Food and drinks are included, but you need to pay for the extra orders. THU 21 & 22 [中文CN]In-Person Training | Data-Driven...
We bought the tickets to go to the top of the Burj Khalifa at sunset. We were hoping to see a beautiful sunset from way up there. Unfortunately the air was very dusty. The sun disappeared into the dust before it got to the horizon. The view looking down on the rest of the huge ...
The Lion King would continue to perform for 25 years. It often sells the most tickets per week among all Broadway plays. It is also often young people's introduction to theater. 狮子王将继续表演25年。它经常是百老汇所有戏剧中每周卖出最多票的。它也常常是...