aYou can send me a list of their first name, last name, designation (MD, PhD, etc.), Company, mailing address, City, State, Zip Code, Country, Specialty (Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic Surgery), phone number and email address (must have their email address because our database doesn’t allow...
AddedPhoneNumber.getPossibleCountries()function. It returns a list of countries this phone number could possibly belong to. Can be used when parsing complete international phone numbers containing a "calling code" that is shared between several countries. If parsing such a phone number returnscountry...
PhoneNumberKit.swift - 解析、格式化及验证国际电话号码工具库(相当于 Google 的 libphonenumber 库的 Swift 版本)。 SwiftSequence - 简洁、灵活、多变的操作 SequenceType 的类库(基于微框架(μframework)设计思想)。 IDNFeedParser - 一个简单易用的Rss解析库。 Swifternalization - 一套实用的本地化工具库。使...
first getting you to buy "Service". At time of purchase, I bought 3 year warrenty, but this covers no service accordiing to Apple. I wish I had not spent the extra money with Sam's. After all this the phone will not ring on Facetime and it isn't worth $99 to get it to ring...
Lightning connector|Headphone jack Processor Speed 1 GHz Virtual Assistant Siri Screen Size 9.7" Age Group Child Data Storage 32 GB Native Resolution 2048 x 1536 Wireless Technology 802.11b, Bluetooth, 802.11a, 802.11n, Wi-Fi, 802.11g
rand_value(target: list) 从返回的 list 结果随机取值, 有小伙伴提到的需求 rand_str(len_start=None, len_end=None) 生成随机字符串,默认32位还提供了一个内置的fake 对象,可以生成随机手机号,随机身份证,姓名等数据使用方法:${fake.name()}, fake.phone_number(), fake.email() 等,具体查看Faker模块提...
dependence Pulling the dependencies needed for the repository will be copied directly from the repository to the repository directory under scripts, regardless of the blacklist extensions Pull the branch of the repository branch Number of days of logs to be kept days File path for task execution fi...
important; } #list-container .features > li:nth-child(2) { border-left: none !important; }',modifyUi:function(){var e=document.createElement("style");e.type="text/css",e.innerHTML=this.cssStyle,document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD").item(0).appendChild(e)}}}); ;define('common:w...
important; } #list-container .features > li:nth-child(2) { border-left: none !important; }',modifyUi:function(){var e=document.createElement("style");e.type="text/css",e.innerHTML=this.cssStyle,document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD").item(0).appendChild(e)}}}); ;define('common:widget...
phonemetadata.pyhas two more fields to represent possible lengths of phone numbers. Changedbuildmetadatafromxml.pyto alter the way that metadata about possible-lengths information is consumed when constructing metadata to populate these.Discussion list email ...