log-lottery 🚀🚀🚀🚀log-lottery是一个可配置可定制化的抽奖应用,炫酷3D球体,可用于年会抽奖等活动,支持奖品、人员、界面、图片音乐配置。因原域名到期,现将原域名(https://24years.top/log-lottery)迁移到(https://1kw20.fun/log-lottery)。如果进入到新域名遇到图片无法访问的情况,请到【全局配置】-【...
LotteryHelperBot 抽奖群:https://t.me/Lottery_Group 🀄️ Fedora 中文用户组:https://t.me/fedorazh iOS 软件学习交流:https://t.me/ChujiuGGG 家庭网络资源共享群:https://t.me/homenet6 UoL BSc 讨论组:https://t.me/uolbsc 「韵味科技」TG 技术交流群:https://t.me/ywadmin PS4:https...
www.calottery.com www.flalottery.com Mobile Phones cell 1070 Short Message Services (SMS); ring tones and mobile phone downloads. Cellular carrier websites are included in the “Business and Industry” category. www.cbfsms.com www.zedge.net ...
q.l.demo.lottery.LotteryAction - Number: 50 was tried. 13:09:40 [btpool0-7] INFO c.q.l.d.prime.NumberCruncherImpl - Beginning to factor. 13:09:40 [btpool0-7] DEBUG c.q.l.d.prime.NumberCruncherImpl - Trying 2 as a factor. 13:09:40 [btpool0-7] INFO c.q.l.d.prime....
Add types of the lottery module in Substrate Add and extend types for the crowdloan module in Polkadot Adjust node-template to default to MultiAddress on specVersion >= 1003.4.1 Jan 11, 2020Upgrade priority: Low. Fixes for parachain types, .entries() (with no values) and event.is(...)...
1. 获取服务器时间戳,此接口访问后不设置cookie https://acs.m.taobao.com/gw/mtop.common.getTimestamp/* 2. 获取请求ip的区域信息,省市 https://tbip.alicdn.com/api/queryip\ 3. 淘宝开放平台所有文档数据接口 https://open.taobao.com/handler/document/getApiCatelogConfig.json?scopeId=&treeId=&...
version: '3.8' volumes: lottery_log: services: lottery: container_name: lottery expose: - 8888 ports: - "28458:8888" - "443:443" volumes: - "lottery_log:/var/log" image: "panda1024/lottery:[TAG]" restart: always Kindly take note that[TAG]should be replaced with the name of the mi...
Catppuccin by dvhsh - Quickly view the Catppuccin color palette, userstyles, ports, and documentation.Chinese Lottery by elonwoo - Check the results of China Welfare Lottery and Sports LotteryCocktail DB by xmok - Search Drinks by Name or Ingredient via TheCocktailDB...
School lottery registration and selection web application. (See README below for project details) - codeforamerica/golden-ticket
Telegram 抽奖活动导航: https://t.me/Lottery_home 科技花(TestFlight):https://t.me/TestFlightCN 小道消息:https://t.me/WebNotesBackup 小道消息:https://t.me/WebNotes2 比特新声:https://t.me/bitvoice 海龙说:https://t.me/haotalk 不客观 Not Objective:https://t.me/notobjective 卖桃者说...