GitHub uses Linguist to perform language detection and syntax highlighting. You can find out which keywords are valid by perusing the languages YAML file.Read more about GitHub Flavored Markdown.EmojisEmojis can be added to Pull Requests, Issues, commit messages, repository descriptions, etc. using...
File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 101 lines (60 loc) · 1.63 KB Raw Markdown Cheat Sheet Thanks for visiting The Markdown Guide! This Markdown cheat sheet provides a quick overview of all the Markdown syntax elements. It can’t cover every edge case, so if you need more ...
Practical File System Design:The Be File System (PDF) - Dominic Giampaolo The Art of Unix Programming - Eric S. Raymond The Little Book of Semaphores - Allen B. Downey Think OS: A Brief Introduction to Operating Systems (PDF) - Allen B. Downey UNIX Application and System Programming, lectu...
The ABC of PDF with iText: PDF Syntax essentials - Bruno Lowagie The Java EE6 Tutorial (PDF) The Java EE7 Tutorial - Eric Jendrock, et al (PDF) The Java Tutorials Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Allen B. Downey and Chris Mayfield Thinking in Java - Bruce Eckel...
Syntax highlighting via Pygments. See "Configuring Pygments" for more info. Build markdown file using Sublime Text build system. The build parser are config via the "parser" config. Browser preview auto reload on save if you have the ST2 LiveReload plugin installed. Builtin parser : supports ...
如果这个没有正确渲染, 参考 GitLab 使用Rouge Ruby library来语法高亮. 支持的语言列表请访问 Rouge 网站. 代码块用 ``` 包围, 或者使用4个空格的缩进. 只有前一种支持语法高亮 行内`code` 用...
Obsidian is markdown-based system, which means it incorporates tags, plugins and backlinks to create an easy-to-use system. It makes it possible for you to use symbols inside the text that are interpreted as text formatting. Thislinkis a cheat sheet of all the mardown syntax elements. ... Gmail-cheat-sheet.mediawiki ImageMagick-cheat-sheet.mediawiki Java-notes.mediawiki Linux-cheat-sheet.mediawiki MUD-cheat-sheet.mediawiki MacPorts-cheat-sheet.mediawiki Makefile-cheat-sheet.mediawiki Man-pages.mediawiki...
syntax highlightersAtom Open the package installation manager in atom and search for 'language-ethereum'. After installing the package, you might have to manually change the highlighter in the .sol file. Look for the selector at the bottom right of your editor window. ...
940 39 10 4 days ago transpec The RSpec syntax converter 939 37 9 4 days ago seeing_is_believing Displays the results of every line of code in your file 939 262 6 2 days ago carmen A repository of geographic regions for Ruby 939 19 4 23 days ago stamp Date and time formatting for...