Digital Service engineer Chris Hunter (@hunt3r), Sr. Engineering Manager at URBN Bernd Rennebeck (@brennebeck), CTO@August 99 Jade Thornton (@raindeer44), Software Engineer Lokesh Basu (@lcbasu), Senior Software Engineer Nick Shook (@shicholas), Software Developer/Lawyer, Vegas Yangshun Tay...
2014 - 2018 Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) - Dhaka, Bangladesh Certifications SEPTEMBER 2022 - PRESENT HubSpot for Beginners | Certificate of Completion Udemy Skills Libraries/APIs React, Node.js, REST APIs Tools Prisma...
This pattern that we see is very similar to the pattern we see for women professionals in the fields of science and engineering. The absence of empirical data both for the corporate world as well as for women scientists and engineers at the national level maybe the reason why this has not ...
The sequencing of the PCR products were sequenced by Sangon Engineering Technology and Service Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China). The sequencing result of fungal endophyte was submitted to GenBank and compared with known ITS-rRNA gene sequences in the GenBank database by BLAST [50]. Phylogenetic ...
Our product specialists and engineers possess deep expertise and are dedicated to providing unparalleled application, technical, and engineering support. With factory training and extensive experience in laboratories, research, and field service, our team is well-equipped to address the unique challenges ...
2019国际电子电路(上海)展览会将于2019年3月19-21日在上海国家会展中心举办。 本届展会展览面积首次突破50000平方米,参展厂商达700余家,覆盖全球电路板及电子组装等电子电路制造产业链的众多领先厂商。展会期间,将有多场的高峰论坛和新技术、...
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