Some creditors may not need to go through the courts to obtain a wage garnishment. If you owe back taxes, student loans, alimony, or child support your wages may be garnished without a court judgment. Wage Garnishment Exemptions Certain kinds of income are protected from wage garnishment. For...
The judicial branch of state government consists of one united District Court of Maryland that sits in every county and Baltimore City, as well as 24 Circuit Courts sitting in each County and Baltimore City, the latter being courts of general jurisdiction for all civil disputes over $30,000, ...
On the Court's finding of trademark infringement and unfair competition, it will*222enter a permanent injunction in this case. Courts have a wide range of discretion in framing injunctions.Spring Mills, Inc. v. Ultracashmere House, Ltd.,724 F.2d 352 (2d Cir.1983). InAMF, Inc. v. Slee...
Some creditors may not need to go through the courts to obtain a wage garnishment. If you owe back taxes, student loans, alimony, or child support your wages may be garnished without a court judgment. Wage Garnishment Exemptions Certain kinds of income are protected from wage garnishment. For...
US District Court for the District of Maryland - 205 F. Supp. 60 (D. Md. 1962) May 21, 1962 205 F. Supp. 60 (1962) AMERICAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE et al. v. NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE et al. Civ. No. 12559. United States District Court D. Maryland. ...
any litigation relating to this License shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys...
s federal vaccine mandate after blasting edict as ‘staggeringly overbroad’Daily Mail UK 11/14/21 A three-member panel of the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans affirmed its ruling. At least 27 states have filed legal challenges in at least six federal appeals courts after ...
In the squalid courts and alleys of our great cities the dismal stream of child-life is constantly at high-water mark. The parents, ignorant and hopeless, callous by reason of their daily contact with misery, “increase and multiply” instinctively, as do the beasts of the field. Amongst ...
The prevailing party may submit the arbitrator’s decision to Superior Courts located in Los Angeles County for an entry of judgment thereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, have duly executed this Agreement as of the date set forth below. ...
The court has also considered the effect of Article 75, section 158 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, 1951 Edition, as amended, on the plaintiff's ability to obtain relief in the state courts. Section 158, "applicable in equity as well as in law" was enacted "to afford ...