libticalcs2 1.1.8 1.1.9 runtime-devices Compliance mode enabled, was '1.1.9' libticonv 1.1.4 1.1.5 runtime-devices Compliance mode enabled, was '1.1.5' libtiff 4.4.0 4.7.0 runtime-imaging Compliance mode enabled, was '4.7.0' libtiff+32 4.0.10 4.7.0 runtime-optenv32 Compliance mod...
5977 juissi-t lambda-promtail: Add support for Kinesis data stream events 6828 alexandre1984rj Add the BotScore and BotScoreSrc fields once the Cloudflare API returns those two fields on the list of all available log fields. 6656 carlospeon: Allow promtail to add matches to the journal rea...
Now we calc dcg==1 when there is no relevant objects in group (when ideal DCG equals zero), later we used score==0 in that case.SpeedupsWith help of Intel developers team we switched our threading model implementation to Intel Threading Building Blocks. That gives us up to 20% speedup ...
Fixed - FCALL_RO command isn't used when RFunction method called with FunctionMode.READ parameter Fixed - IllegalReferenceCountException is thrown when canceling a method call Fixed - Redis scan cursor exceed Long.MAX_VALUE in AWS Elasticache Fixed - internal ServiceManager.calcSHA() method shoul...
The general structure of the command used for running the script was “run [input_file] -j energy-calc -start_frame [start_frame] -end_frame [end_frame] -step_size [step] -HOST localhost:[cores] -NJOBS [jobs] > [output_file]”. In this study, the script ...
I tutor econ at a high school or college level, HS math (algebra, geometry, pre-calc, and AP Stats), and SAT Prep. Economics classes I tutor include introductory and... See Michael's full profile 5.0 (54) 70/hour 326 hours tutoringView Michael's profile Aaron E. Near Hyattsville, ...
The AP courses listed here are inaccurate, we only have AP Gov, AP Calc, AP Seminar/Research, AP psychology, & AP Stats. The teachers aren’t terrible at all, some of them are great at doing lessons, but the school can’t keep teachers for long… I didn’t even have a math ...
gcc main.c-omain-Linclude/-lcalc 1. 2. 静态链接库和动态链接库的区别: 由于静态库是在编译期间直接将代码合到可执行程序中,而动态库是在执行期时调用DLL中的函数体,所以执行速度比动态库要快一点; 静态库链接生成的可执行文件体积较大,且包含相同的公共代码,造成内存浪费; ...
采用SPSS22.0 软件、Medcalc 软件对数据进行统计分析,GraphPad Prism 8 软件绘制图表。计量资料符合正态分布及方差齐性的数据以均数 ± 标准差( x bar±s)表示,采用t检验比较;非正态分布的数据以 [ 中位数(P25,P75)] 表示,采用 ...
accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)# 0.5 二、Precision Recall 和 F1 精准率(Precision)也叫查准率,衡量的是所有预测为正例的结果中,预测正确的(为真正例)比例。 召回率(Recall)也叫查全率,衡量的是实际的正例有多少被模型预测为正例。 在排序问题中,一般以 TopN 的结果作...