Multipart::UploadedFile supports an IO-like object instead of using the filesystem, using :filename and :io options. (@jeremyevans) Multipart::UploadedFile supports keyword arguments :path, :content_type, and :binary in addition to positional arguments. (@jeremyevans) Static supports a :cascade...
MNN is a blazing fast, lightweight deep learning framework, battle-tested by business-critical use cases in Alibaba. Full multimodal LLM Android App:[MNN-LLM-Android](./apps/Android/MnnLlmChat/ - MNN/ at master · alibaba/MNN
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Support numbers of TTS recipes in a similar manner to the ASR recipe (LJSpeech, LibriTTS, M-AILABS, etc.) Support numbers of ST recipes (Fisher-CallHome Spanish, Libri-trans, IWSLT'18, How2, Must-C, Mboshi-French, etc.) Support numbers of MT recipes (IWSLT'14, IWSLT'16, the above...
{ "envName": "devops", "privileged": false, "envNodePorts": [ { "isDefault": true, "nodePortStart": 30100, "nodePortEnd": 30109, } ] } ], "modules": { "build": [ { "moduleName": "tp1-go-demo", "isLatest": false } ], "package": [ { "moduleName": "tp1-go-demo",...
在其他環境中, accounting-token 類型會設為值 ATTUNK。 在這些環境中, MDPAT 欄位可用來推斷收到的會計記號類型。 所有其他位元組都設為二進位零。 對於MQPUT 及 MQPUT1 呼叫,如果在 PMO 參數中指定 PMSETI 或 PMSETA ,則這是輸入/輸出欄位。 如果既未指定 PMSETI 也未指定 PMSETA ,則在輸入時會忽略...
In general it's recommended to create the system directories, although you could remove the ones you don't need afterwards for a slightly faster app startup speed. This is basically the onboarding process, and ES-DE should now start up. Just be aware that you need to place at least one...
Links the DLL startup code. Creates an import library (.LIB), if an export (.EXP) file is not specified on the command line; you link the import library to applications that call your DLL. Interprets/Feas naming a DLL rather than an .EXE file; the default program name becomesbasename...
Links the DLL startup code. Creates an import library (.lib), if an export (.exp) file is not specified on the command line; you link the import library to applications that call your DLL. Interprets/Fe (Name EXE File)as naming a DLL rather than an .exe file; the default program ...
2.Sam:OK,Mum.Look at this.What is it?Mum:It's a koala.Sam:3.Mum:It's sleeping.Shh!4.Sam:Oh,it looks so funny!What are those?Mum:5.Sam:They are big and strong.A. Take turns,please!B. They are gorillas.C. Talk quietly.D. Wh...