德克萨斯大学安德森癌症中心The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center是位于德克萨斯休斯敦的一家综合癌症中心,为美国最大的癌症中心,也是美国最早的三家综合癌症中心之一。安德森癌症中心是可授学位的学术研究机构,也是癌症治疗和研究中心,位于休斯敦的德克萨斯医学中心。他附属于德克萨斯大学健康科学中心The University...
MD Anderson癌症中心(The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)是全球领先的癌症研究和治疗机构之一,位于美国德克萨斯州休斯顿。其使命是消灭癌症,致力于提供最先进的癌症治疗,推动癌症研究和预防。在过去的35年里,MD Anderson连续被USNews评为best hospital in cancer care。访申客户Leo医生是江苏一家知名三...
MD Anderson目前不接受远程会诊。位于纽约的常年排名第二的Memorial Sloan Kettering可以接受远程医疗会诊的。
而且MD Anderson地处Texas Medical Center,世界上最大的medical conplex,里面有上百家医院(还有Baylor,Houston Methodist 这种美国顶尖水平的)比如我去年夏天做的第一个project就是和旁边Methodist hospital一个nano-technology的组验证一个circulating cancer biomarker的机理。如果你想做的东西是transnational cancer research,...
美国德州大学MD安德森癌症中心(The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)成立于1941年,它是美国国内最早成立的综合性癌症中心之一,也是目前美国国家癌症学会所属的40家学术性综合癌症中心之一。2009年《美国新闻与世界报道》的最佳医院排名中将M.D.安德森癌症中心列为癌症治疗第一名。在过去的8年中,这已是...
Hospital A full-time postdoctoral fellow position is available in Professor Wenyi Wang’s lab, at the Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Wang’s laboratory performs research aiming to gain new knowledge in the evolution of...
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has once again been named the number one ranked cancer hospital in America inthe annual ratingsfromUS News & World Report. US Newsevaluated 914 hospitals and ranked the top 50 that treat cancers such as leukemia,lymphoma,melanoma, and breast, ki...
The M. D. Anderson Department of Neurosurgery and Brain Tumor Center are located in the vibrant research environment of the Houston Texas Medical Center, which includes Baylor College of Medicine, The University of Texas Medical School, the Methodist Hospital Research Institute, and Rice University....
MD Anderson Cancer CenterOncoLog, MD Anderson Cancer Center's print and online newsletter, reports to physicians about the latest advances in cancer care and research.MD AndersonTexas.State Library, Archives CommissionTexas Medical Center