Master the basic rules of the game as you play! Solo Mode includes "Tutorial" and "Duel Strategy" Master the Summoning methods - including Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, and Link - as you play! Tutorial Guide 1~ Monster Cards and Spell Cards Basics ~ ...
首先,你的md客户端要绑定科乐美账号。打开,选择你要复制的卡组,之后按照下面的操作来就好。(后续会有视频上传,可以去观看视频操作 游戏王 Master Duel 卡牌/TCG/游戏王 8.7分 665人评论 进入 ) 展开阅读全文 评论 UP主投稿的视频 热门评论(undefined) 按热度 请先登录后发表评论...
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