MCV TEST RESULT SAYS IT IS 101.1 My test result from MCV is 101.1 I have fibromylgia could this be why the test is high? My B12 is 223. MCV slightly high, but B12 is normal I had a blood test and my MCV came back at 101, which is slightly above normal, but my B12 within ...
Of the 101 patients with anaemia or a 10% haemoglobin drop, 37 (37%) had iron studies performed. Ferritin was <50 渭g/l in 73% of cases and <100 渭g/l in 97%. A normal MCV was found in 64% of patients with a ferritin of <100 渭g/l. The median time from presentation of ...
SurveyonbloodMCV,MCH,RDWandosmoticfragility oferythrocytesofpatientswiththalassemia ChenJiali,OuLiqun GuangdongProvinceFoshanWorker’sMedicalCollege, Guangdong528000。 【Abstract】ObjectiveTosurveydiagnosticsignification ofthalassemiabyMCV,MCH,RDWandosmoticfragilitytestof ...