Make a MCU where Marvel didn't go bankrupt and sell their characters such as Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Namor, Hulk and Blade, have fun! 1 1 0 UndimicsCGL·5/11/2023 Phase 1: Amazing Spider-Man Wolverine Captain America: The First Avenger X-Men Amazing Spider-Man 2 Fanta...
The Spectacular Spider-Man 2 is a 2014 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, directed by Matthew Vaughn and released by Walt Disney Motion Picture. It serves as a sequel to the 2012 film The Spectacular Spider-Man and was announced in 2011.Logan Lerman ,...
(Edited by moderator) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-VerseMultiverse No replies yet. Be the first! Spider-Man Feed
Spider-Man has long been beloved by comic book fans, and while most people have their favorite version of the character on screen, the Tom Holland version is well-loved. RELATED: MCU: 10 Hilarious Memes Of Tom Holland As Spider-Man Peter Parker is another character who often shows up in ...
八爪博士擔任蜘蛛人時期的上級蜘蛛人(Superior Spider-Man)的服裝也有類似的設計。 而在材質上鋼鐵蜘蛛使用了液態金屬奈米纖維,並且與穿著者的神經化學連結,讓它可以依照穿著者的意思改變外形甚至是消失不見。 在這次的超級盃預告當中可以看到鋼鐵人的新裝甲著裝方式似乎是奈米科技,也許他也有在鋼鐵蜘蛛上使用相同的科技...
在今日稍早,MCU「蜘蛛人」湯姆霍蘭德(TomHolland)於他的Instagram上公開了將在今年上映的《蜘蛛人3》(Spider-Man3)副標題,並表示第三集的片名就叫做「蜘蛛 ...
After he acquires the Soul Stone he travels to Titan and fights with the GotG, Iron Man and Iron Lad (Spider-Man), and Dr. Strange. Given that he has the Power Stone, Space Stone, Reality Stone, and Soul Stone at this point there is no reason why he couldn't have completely shut...
蜘蛛宇宙中有個「生命與命運之網」(Web of Life and Destiny),這取材自2010年《Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions》漫畫中,展現了多重宇宙中每個蜘蛛人必經的過程, 20. 正史事件 「生命與命運之網」展示了多重宇宙中不同蜘蛛人必須失去的摯愛,包括陶比麥奎爾 (Tobey Maguire) 失去班叔叔、安德魯加菲德 (Andrew ...
我們都知道鋼鐵人在終局之戰死去了,而身為第三階段的完結篇作品,《蜘蛛人:離家日》(Spider-Man: Far From Home)將會探討相關的後續效應,很顯然的官方在宣傳上也決定重視這點,尤其是透過蜘蛛人與鋼鐵人情同父子的關係,來暗示下一代的鋼鐵人將會是彼得·帕克!
Eventually, Spider-Man becomes wise to Mysterio's plan, and the two face off. Beck attempts to use his holographic tech to convince Peter that he is on the floor dying, but Peter's Peter-tingle alerts him to the location of the real Quentin Beck just in time to stop Beck from shooting...