Integrated adjustment of the device without test gas (optional) Extended operation via PC and SOPAS ET software Flexible I/O module system Measured valuesCO, CO2, HCl, H2O, NH3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, O2 Measurement principlesInterference filter correlation, Gas filter correlation, Zirconium dioxide...
安防监控专用PoE交换机 MCS1116D-P 用户手册说明书
Integrated adjustment of the device without test gas (optional) Extended operation via PC and SOPAS ET software Flexible I/O module system Measured valuesCO, CO2, HCl, H2O, NH3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, O2 Measurement principlesInterference filter correlation, Gas filter correlation, Zirconium dioxide...
The MCS300P is an extractive process photometer for measuring gaseous or liquid media. It measures IR- and VIS-active components with variable measuring ranges from very low (ppm) to high (vol%) concentrations. For monitoring toxic or flammable mixtures,
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