One open question is to find the best worst-case number of calls to a SAT oracle, when the calls to the oracle are kept simple, and given reasonable definitions of simple SAT oracle calls. This paper develops novel algorithms for computing MCSes which, in specific settings, are guaranteed ...
One open question is to find the best worst-case number of calls to a SAT oracle, when the calls to the oracle are kept simple, and given reasonable definitions of simple SAT oracle calls. This paper develops novel algorithms for computing MCSes which, in specific settings, are guaranteed ...
In this paper we study time-bounded verification of a finite continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) C against a real-time specification, provided either as a metric temporal logic (MTL) property Φ, or as a timed automaton (TA) A. The key question is: what is the probability of the set ...
This paper describes the MCS multiple agent software testbed which has been developed as a research tool in the University of Essex, Department of Computer Science. Recent enhancements to the testbed are noted, and experiments using it are briefly reported and discussed. The experiments particularly ...