MCQ Geeks will make a difference in learning by providing MCQ Questions for Competitive Exams, Interviews, GK, Current Affairs along with step by step explanations.
InterviewMocks: Best Interview Preparation App for Software Engineers and Designers InterviewMocks is the best app for preparing interview questions on programming languages like Java, CSS, HTML, and many more programming languages and tools here you can learn to read best interview questions on progra...
想要成为一名合格的前端工作者,HTML与CSS是必不可少的技能,但是对于新手工程师来讲,这部分也是最难掌握的。 本门课程专为零基础学员设计,囊括了目前使用比较广泛的HTML+CSS基础知识,以知识点结合小案例的形式书写代码,学与练结合,帮助学员顺利入门。 课程从最基本的概念讲起,逐步深入,带你学习HTML(5)和CSS(3)...
Dear Readers, Welcome to JavaScript multiple choice questions and answers with explanation. These objective type JavaScript questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. Specially developed for the JavaScript freshers and professionals, these model questions are asked in the ...
a) <css> b) <paint> c) <canvas> d) <graphic> View Answer Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on HTML Our 1000+ MCQs focus on all topics of the HTML subject, covering 100+ topics. This HTML MCQ will help you to prepare for exams, contests, online tests, quizzes, viva-voce, inte...
A basic quiz web application using python flask, mysql as database, html, css, js as frontend, teacher/professor can create, read, update, delete questions, students can give test and check results & test history. mysql python flask quiz quizapp mcq quiz-app Updated Feb 26, 2024 HTML ...
The total time allowed for the CSS3 quiz questions to be answered is 30 minutes. Once the time is up, it will automatically be submitted. Once you have answered the CSS3 MCQ questions, click on the ‘Submit Test’ button to see your score and correct answers. ...
5. PHP MCQ on Strings and Regular Expressions The section contains questions and answers on PHP strings and PHP regular expression concepts. PHP Strings & Regular Expressions – Set 1 PHP Strings & Regular Expressions – Set 2 12. PHP MCQ on Looping Statements ...
Dear Readers, Welcome toC programmingmultiple choice questions and answers with explanation. These objective typeC programming questionsare very important for campus placement test and job interviews. Specially developed for theC programmingfreshers and professionals, these model questions are asked in the ...
Option Specific Feedback (feedback): This attribute is used only when the value for Selectable Items is set to 1 (i.e., questions that require radio buttons, not checkboxes). This text will be shown if the learner selects this item, and it is an incorrect answer. Feedback (_feedback...