OOPS MCQ1) Which of the following language was developed as the first purely object programming language? SmallTalk C++ Kotlin JavaShow Answer Workspace2) Who developed object-oriented programming? Adele Goldberg Dennis Ritchie Alan Kay Andrea FerroShow Answer Workspace3) Which of the following is no...
Java Programming Sql Database Html Css Javascript Php Networking Data Science Data Structure Data Structures Algorithms Ii Hadoop Iot Information Science Javascript Junit Mongodb Mysql Database Object Oriented Programming Oops Python R Programming
OOPS C Python Topics: CPP Basic Topics: Core JAVA Multi Threading Collection JDBC SWING SERVLET JSP Advance Java Other Struts Hibernate Topics: CCP-OOPS Topics: C Basics Topics: Basics Core Data Types String List Data Base Quality Assurance ...
Click on the ‘Start Test’ button to play the quiz. The total time allowed for the MySQL multiple choice questions to be answered is 30 minutes. Once the time is up, it will automatically be submitted. Once you have answered the MySQL MCQ questions, click on the ‘Submit Test’ button...
Click on the ‘Start Test’ button to play the quiz. The total time allowed for the CSS3 quiz questions to be answered is 30 minutes. Once the time is up, it will automatically be submitted. Once you have answered the CSS3 MCQ questions, click on the ‘Submit Test’ button to see ...
C++ OOPs Concept – 4 C++ vs C C++ Concepts – 1 C++ Concepts – 2 C++ Concepts – 3 Static Constant Keyword 2. C++ MCQ on Types, Pointers, Arrays & Structures The section contains C++ questions and answers on integer, float, character and boolean types. It also contains arrays, pointers...
3. Multiple Choice Questions on PHP OOPs The section contains PHP multiple choice questions on basic and advanced concepts of object-oriented PHP. PHP OOPs Basics – Set 1 PHP OOPs Basics – Set 2 PHP OOPs Advanced 4. PHP MCQ on Error Handling and Exception Handling ...