2. Which statement is true about Java? a) Java is a sequence-dependent programming language b) Java is a code dependent programming language c) Java is a platform-dependent programming language d) Java is a platform-independent programming language View Answer 3. Which component is used to com...
JavaProjectOnOfflineQuiz (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 课程设计,宾馆客房预订系统,使用Vue+SpringBoot+MySQL.zip 2024-12-28 04:28:30 积分:1 基于springboot+mysql+vue的职工管理系统.zip 2024-12-28 03:54:57 积分:1 基于Springboot+MySql+Bookstrap的无偿献血服务管理系统.zip ...
C++ File Handling 9. Multiple Choice Questions on Advanced C++ The section contains C++ MCQs on lambda expressions and command line arguments. C++ Lambda Expressions C++ Command Line Arguments If you would like to learn "C++" thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of 1000...
; grpSingleChoice.Visible = true; grpMultipleChoice.Visible = false; rdoAnswer1.Text = "A. A contextual keyword is a word that acts as " + "a keyword depending on how it is used. For " + "example the word \"value\" is a keyword in a set " + "accessor of a property but, in...
Use of exception handling Dynamic binding between objects Show Answer Workspace Answer:(a) Bytecode is executed by the JVM. Explanation:The output of the Java compiler is bytecode, which leads to the security and portability of the Java code. It is a highly developed set of instructions that...
25) Which of the following commands cannot be used to work on a file?Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Y Ctrl + I None of the theseShow Answer Workspace 26) Which of the following language was used in first-generation computers?Java Python Machine language All of the these...
Study and learn Interview MCQ Questions and Answers on Java Arrays and Multidimensional Arrays. Attend job interviews easily with these Multiple Choice Questions. You can print these Questions in default mode to conduct exams directly. You can download these MCQs in PDF format by Choosing Print Opti...
18) Any type of data that can be typed on a console or ECLIPSE can be passed as a command-line argument. State TRUE or FALSE. A) TRUE B) FALSE C) - D) - Answer [=] 19) Which are the methods used to parse string values to the respective data types in Java?
1. PHP MCQ on Basics The section contains PHP multiple choice questions and answers on basic concepts. PHP Basics – Set 1 PHP Basics – Set 2 PHP Basics – Set 3 4. PHP MCQ on Error Handling and Exception Handling The section contains PHP multiple choice questions and answers on PHP fil...
Desktop Manager File Manager Windows Explorer Authentication Show Answer Workspace Next TopicOperating System MCQ Part-2 For Videos Join Our Youtube Channel:Join Now Feedback Send your Feedback to feedback@javatpoint.com Help Others, Please Share...