Solved Multiple Choice Questions on Data Structure Set – 1 Solved Multiple Choice Questions on Data Structure Set -2 Objective questions of computer data structure set-3 Objective Questions on Data Structure and Algorithm set-4 MCQ of Data Structure and Algorithm with Answer set-5 ...
MCQ on Computer Hardware for Bank Exam MCQ's on Divide and Conquer Algorithm MCQ's on Greedy Algorithm MCQs of Entity Relationship Diagram Mcqs on Hamiltonian graph Mcqs on knapsack algorithm MCQs on Normalization MCQs on N Queens Problem MCQs on Relational algebra MCQs on Relational Calculus MCQs...
19. Which algorithm is used in the top tree data structure? a) Backtracking b) Divide and Conquer c) Branch d) Greedy View Answer 20. What is the need for a circular queue? a) easier computations b) implement LIFO principle in queues ...
The algorithm is trained on the labeled data, and then it tries to make predictions on the unlabeled data by leveraging the patterns learned from the labeled data. 4. Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning involves an agent interacting with an environment and learning to make decisions by ...
Round Security Algorithm Rivest, Shamir, Adleman Robert, Shamir, Addie None of the above Answer:b) Rivest, Shamir, Adleman Explanation: The RSA algorithm was named after the three scientists who developed this technique and the name RSA is itself the abbreviation of their names: Rivest, Shamir,...
Which of the following is a widely used and effective machine learning algorithm based on the idea of bagging? a. Decision Tree b. Regression c. Classification d. Random Forest- answer e. To find the minimum or the maximum of a function,...
24) Which of the following is the container for , , and ? <data> <group> All of the above 25) How to insert a background image in HTML? <bg-image = "img.png"> None of the above 26) What are the types of unordered or...
Code generation algorithm 45) FORTRAN programming language is a ___ Turing language Context-sensitive language Context-free language Regular language 46) The execution time of the code depends on? the usage of machine idioms the way the registers are used the orders...
A user has to insert the viewport meta tag to the element so as to make sure that proper rendering and touch zooming is enabled on mobile devices. The width property can be used to control the width of the device. If it is kept in accordance to the width of the device, it will ensu...