6) When interpreter encounters an empty statements, what it will do: ADVERTISEMENT Shows a warning Prompts to complete the statement Throws an error Ignores the statements Show AnswerWorkspace 7) The "function" and " var" are known as: Keywords Data types Declaration statements Prototypes ADVERTISEM...
Handling an Exception Classes and objects Class Syntax Objects Instantiating Your First Object 12. Ruby Variables and Inheritance The section contains MCQs on class and global variables, inheritance, overriding, information hiding techniques. Classes-Naming Variables ...
d) Wrapping of data into a single class View Answer 35. What will be the output of the following C++ code? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a = 5; float b; cout << sizeof(++a + b); cout << a; return 0; } a) 2 5 b) 4 5 c) 4 6 d) 2 ...
6) ___ is used to find and fix bugs in the Java programs. JVM JRE JDK JDB Show Answer Workspace Answer:(d) JDB Explanation:The Java Debugger (JDB or jdb) is a command-line java debugger that debugs the java class. It is a part of the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) th...
34.Which of the following isnota business function within the “Sales” class of transactions? a.Processing customer orders. b.Granting credit. c.Processing and recording sales returns and allowances. d.Shipping goods. 35.The process which postpones entries for the collection of receivables to ...
6) Which method is used to set the graphics current color to the specified color in the graphics class? - Published on 22 Jul 15 a. public abstract void setFont(Font font) b. public abstract void setColor(Color c) c. public abstract void drawString(String str, int x, int y) d. Non...
chkAnswer4.Text = "D. It must always be passed an array of strings " + "as in static void Main(string[] args)"; chkAnswer5.Visible = true; chkAnswer5.Text = "E. It must be created inside of a class" + "or a structure"; break; case 6: // Single Answers txtQuestion.Text ...
', 'selected_has_failed' => 'Uploaded: :success, failed: :fail, retry or ignore', 'selected_success' => ':num(:size) files selected, Uploaded: :success.', 'dot' => ', ', 'failed_num' => 'failed::fail.', 'pause_upload' => 'Pause', 'go_on_...
6. Which of the following cannot be a variable name in C? a) volatile b) true c) friend d) export View Answer advertisement 7. What is short int in C programming? a) The basic data type of C b) Qualifier c) Short is the qualifier and int is the basic data type ...
var text = new class ({//options}) var text = new text ({//options}) var text = new Vue({// options }) 9) Which of the following is the advantage of using Vue.js? Vue.js is very small in size. The documentation of Vue.js is very easy and comprehensive. ...