MCprep is a Blender python addon to make Minecraft renders and animations easier. Fix materials, import mob rigs, swap skins, and more.
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In blender, go to preferences, then the addons tab, and at the bottom of the window install from file. Select the .zip file. NOTE: Blender may not automatically enable the addon. If the MCprep addon is not already shown in the window after installing, search for it at left and then ...
MCprep is a blender python addon to make Minecraft renders and animations easier and faster. It automatically sets up better materials, imports fully animatable mob rigs, and can replace plain world-export models with 3D modeled and animated blocks, such as wind-swaying grass and wheat. Once you...
I tried restarting blender, removing the MCprep addon, and even uninstalling blender and none of this fixed it. Member TheDuckCow commented Jun 14, 2021 Okay thanks for trying these steps. In this case, can you restart blender one more time, but then specifically screenshot the first popup...
Blender插件MCprep v3.5.3是一款专为Minecraft渲染和动画制作而设计的工具,旨在让制作过程更加简单快捷。它可以自动设置更好的材质、导入完全可动画的生物模型,并将普通的世界导出模型替换为像风吹草、麦子等3D建模和动画方块。一旦您导入了Minecraft世界(例如来自jmc2obj或Mineways),使用MCprep可以让您的世界更上一层楼...
While MCprep has always notified you about updates, for the first time you can actually directly update the addon from inside blender. When an update is ready (automatically checked daily, unless turned off in user preferences), a notice will ask if you want to install this update (blender ...
In this PR, we also perform any general refactoring that may crop up as needed. Most of these are related to error handling, but there are a few that for the sake of getting out of the way I've done, which are: Removal of Blender Internal and Blender 2.7X code ...
Go to the blender addons folder (you can find this path from the MCprep user preferences, e.g. where the meshswap filepath points to) in the addons/MCprep_addon/MCprep_resources/ folder, open the mcprep_data.json file (any plaintext editor will do) REMOVE the line that says "*_block...
Something I have to take into consideration is cross compatibility, and building a system to import/package/and keep fresh another library not coming with blender adds additional friction to installing the addon. One thing worth noting: results arecachedwith the material, meaning it should only be...