{ "mcpServers": { "aws": { "command": "npm", "args": ["--prefix", "/Users/<YOUR USERNAME>/aws-mcp", "start"] } } } Important: Replace /Users/<YOUR USERNAME>/aws-mcp with the actual path to your project directory. Restart Claude desktop app. You should see this: Start by...
近日,印度孟买的AR初创公司Cub McPaws宣布获得80万美元的Pre-Series A轮资金,本轮融资由位于迪拜的Global Family Office领投,由日本的天使投资人财团、Circus Capital首席执行官Takayuki Sugiura、瑞银(UBS)执行董事Daisuke Takagi、HMF Corporation创始人Motoko Tanabe等参投。本轮融资资金将用于扩大Cub McPaws分销能...
据外媒 yourstory报道,近日,初创公司「Cub McPaws」获得了 80 万美元 Pre-A 轮融资。此轮融资由一家来自迪拜的家族企业领投,来自日本的天使投资人参投,其中包括了 Circus Capital 的首席执行官 Takayuki Sugiura、UBS 的执行董事 Daisuke Takagi、HMF Corporation 的创始人 Motoko Tanabe、MedPeer 公司的前首席运...
ABOUT CUB McPAWS APP Rated as one of the best kids’ apps, Cub McPaws app is a free to use co-learning network for kids! Cub McPaws provides a safe social experi…
据Yourstory 报道,总部位于印度孟买的AR初创公司Cub McPaws日前宣布获得 80 万美元 Pre-A 轮投资。据悉,本轮融资由一家来自迪拜的家族企业领投,包括Circus Capital CEO Takayuki Sugiura、UBS 执行董事 Daisuke Takagi、HMF Corporation 创始人 Motoko Tanabe、MedPeer 前CMO Toshiro Wakimaru、Venex Ltd CEO Taichi ...
"Transform, Kitty McPaws, Troy Pes, Harland Kasten, Malle, Remi Blaze, Dodobeatz, Justin Credible, Kidd Mike, Beat Stylist, South Rocketz, PAASHA, Get Red, Old & Kid, Da Chreem!!!, Grey Side, Doruk Guralp, Canoe Deep, Tony Puccio, Tommie Sunshine, skemad
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Demo of Anthropic's open source MCP used with Amazon Bedrock Converse API - mikegc-aws/amazon-bedrock-mcp
孟买儿童环保服装公司Cub McPaws获投 12月27日消息,总部位于印度孟买的儿童环保服装初创公司Cub McPaws宣布获得了一笔前种子轮融资,投资方包括初创企业孵化器Venture Catalysts等,但该公司并没有透露本次融资的具体金额。据悉,这笔资金将帮助公司推出新产品,扩大其分销能力,并提高AR技术。
Owner's Name Sandy Jones City Edwardsville What makes your pet special? She was rescued at 3 months of age off the streets of Hillsboro, Illinois. She is a very gentle loving dog to all other animals, including cats and of course her human family. She is now 3 years old....