Arduino MCP4725 DAC 说明书 MCP4725 Pin Outs The VCC connects the chip VDD pin. What’s important to understand is that this power to the chip, but it acts as the reference voltage as well.
Arduino Example with the MCP4725 Software Arduino IDE : Version 1.8.9+ Arduino Library Library: Adafruit_MCP4725 Goto Arduino Menu: Sketch-->Include Library-->Library Manager. Then enter MCP4725 in the search box which will show the result: ...
模块跟Arduino Nano的连接 SDA连 Nano的A4;SCL连Nano的A5;VCC连Nano的5V;GND连Nano的GND;MCP4725...
OCROBOT MCP4725 DAC模块是一款 I2C总线的数字转模拟数据模块,可以让arduino等控制板,提供可调电压输出,使用简单方便。 参数 模块属性:DAC(数字电压调节器) 通讯总线类型:I2C 电压范围:0-5V 精度:12bit(4096级可调) 图片 相关介绍 可以设置其在0-5V电压范围内的各级电压数据功能,亦可模拟较低频率的正弦波,三角波等...
First wire up a MCP4725 to your board exactly as shown on the previous pages for Arduino using an I2C connection. Here's an example of wiring a Feather M0 to the sensor with I2C: Board 3Vtosensor VIN (red wire on STEMMA QT version) ...