$ git clone git@github.com:mkirchner/gc.git $ cd gc To compile using theclangcompiler: $ make test To use the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC): $ make test CC=gcc The tests should complete successfully. To create the current coverage report: ...
<https://gitee.com/whaxy/demo-collection.git> ### Preview Address ### 在线预览地址 <https://axydemo.netlify.app/> --- ## Project setup ## 项目启动 ### Get the project code ### 获取项目代码 ```bash git clone https://github.com/whanxueyu/demo-collection.git ``` 推荐使用pnpm 作...
In a world where the police force also exists, do heroes really need to get involved in every single crime. According tou/EvilCloneofUnskilled, they don't - but sometimes they get involved anyway for publicity. "Regular police units are able to take care of most criminals, ...
git clone https://github.com/sjvrijn/mf2.git cd mf2 pip install -e ".[dev]" Example Usageimport mf2 import numpy as np # set numpy random seed for reproducibility np.random.seed(42) # generate 5 random samples in 2D as matrix X = np.random.random((5, 2)) # print high ...
git clone https://github.com/whanxueyu/demo-collection.git 推荐使用 pnpm 作为依赖管理工具 安装pnpm npm install pnpm -g 安装依赖 pnpm install 开发环境编译启动热更新 pnpm run serve 生产环境打包 pnpm run build 展示截图 特效与界面 魔术文字和3D立体进度条 3D轮播图和JS打字效果 可视化大屏模板 纯...
First, disable your AV and add contrib directory to exclusions. That directory contains obfuscators, protectors which will get flagged by AV and removed. Then clone this repositoryPS C:\> git clone --recurse https://github.com/Binary-Offensive/ProtectMyTooling ...
git clone --recursive https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins and activate the ones you want in your settings file: PLUGIN_PATHS = ['path/to/pelican-plugins'] PLUGINS = ['assets', 'sitemap', 'gravatar'] PLUGIN_PATHS can be a path relative to your settings file or an absolute pat...
medium-editor - Medium.com WYSIWYG editor clone. pen - enjoy live editing (+markdown). jquery-notebook - A simple, clean and elegant text editor. Inspired by the awesomeness of Medium. bootstrap-wysiwyg - Tiny bootstrap-compatible WYSIWYG rich text editor. ckeditor-releases - The best web...
git clone git@github.com:BGT-M/spartan2.git 4.2 Install requirements. #[not recommended]# pip install --user --requirement requirements#using conda toolconda install --force-reinstall -y --name spartan -c conda-forge --file requirements ...
git clone https://github.com/dirkjanm/roadtools.git pip install -e roadlib/ pip install -e roadrecon/ cd roadrecon/frontend/ npm install You can run the Angular frontend with npm start or ng serve using the Angular CLI from the roadrecon/frontend/ directory. To build the JavaScript fi...