步骤1:浏览https://aduan.skmm.gov.my/Complaint/AddComplaint。 步骤2:选择要投诉的类型、服务、快递公司名字等资料。 步骤3:输入个人资料,如姓名、身份证号码、联系方式等。 步骤4:输入要投诉的详情,可附上照片。 步骤5:输入所有所需的资料后就可点击Hantar / Submit。 步骤6:你可以浏览https://aduan.skmm...
步骤1:浏览https://aduan.skmm.gov.my/Complaint/AddComplaint 。步骤2:选择要投诉的类型、服务、快递公司名字等资料。步骤3:输入个人资料,如姓名、身份证号码、联系方式等。步骤4:输入要投诉的详情,可附上照片。步骤5:输入所有所需的资料后就可点击Hantar / Submit。步骤6:你可以浏览https://aduan.skmm...
Tiano A, Sutton R, Lozowicki A, Naeem W (2007) Observer Kalman filter identification of an autonomous underwater vehicle. Control Eng Pract 15(6):727–739. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2006.08.004 Article Google Scholar Deng F, Levi C, Yin H, Duan M (2021) Identification of...
Firm size (FIRM SIZE): This variable is used to show the measure or quantity of a company’s assets. The importance of this variable was documented in a study by Shumway (2001), Duan et al. (2012), and Nguyen (2023). Firm size is calculated as the logarithm of the assets. Return ...