strings mayonly mutate by operations that act on individual char-acters.New applications in computational biology havemotivated the study of large scale mutations such asinversions,transpositions and inverted transpositions.The aim is to find parsimonious series of mutationsthat explain the difference in ...
So, the very act of demanding that two (independent) consecutive batch means be very close to each other, in fact replaces their probability density by (approximately) its square. Is this change significant? Well, as m →∞the distribution of the batch mean will (by the weak law of ...
“这种全球趋势的例子包括欧盟的《数字服务法案》(Digital Services Act),该法案规定了平台限制非法内容传播和禁止向未成年人投放定向广告的义务,以及新加坡、印度尼西亚和越南等东盟国家引入的类似监管框架。” 费尔南德斯说,马来西亚制定了强有力的法律,包括1998年《通信和多媒体法》(CMA 1998),以解决各种网络危害。