URL: Computer Science at McMaster University - School of Graduate Studies Thesis Based: Yes Length: 4 Year(s) Careers: Software EngineerVideo Game Programmers Admission Requirements Additional Admission Requirements: - Master’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent - B+ minimum average, based on...
Economics and Econometrics Business and Management Accounting and Finance Clinical and Health36th Medicine and Dentistry Other Health Computer Science201–250th Computer Science Engineering176–200th General Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering ...
Apply before Mar 2025, International 8. 官网链接:Computational Science and Engineering 2. MEng-Computing and Software 1. 项目时长:2年 2. 入学时间:1月/5月/9月 3. 研究领域: Computer Systems Health Informatics and Bioinformatics Scientific Computing and Optimization Security, Privacy, and Data Analy...
不得不说,当时我的第一年还是读的挺困难的,尤其必读课computer science,真的fail了好多人...也导致...
我肯定个人感觉是选麦马,McMaster 首先麦马的工程和医学是全球都有名,医学排在了全球14,它的名气就排在那,而且综合排名的话也不差,在2012-2013 times排名全球64好像。楼上说的对,是加拿大mit,但是关于它的商学院,你别乱说行不,商学院作为全球百大商学院,作为全加24所被aacsb认证 商学院,...
The science behind the project is simple: Work out the genes that make an extinct animal what it is, and then replicate those genes using the DNA of a close existing relative…. … So after around 4,000 years of extinction, when could we see the return of the mighty mammoth – a crea...
Fig. 2.Forest plot—2 to 5 years WOMAC scores. WOMAC, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index; CAS, computer-assisted navigation system; SD, standard deviation; IV, inverse variance; CI, confidence interval. (B) Follow-up ≥5 years and <8 years postoperatively ...
Health Science是进入医学院的基础,竞争比较激烈,录取的都是GPA 90+,有丰富的课外活动的全能型学生。麦大的社会职能集中于麦大著名的医学院教学与临床的结合。麦大医学院是世界的知名医学院之一,泰晤士报高等教育世界大学将麦大医学院排为世界第14。加拿大第1。医学院高...
DeGroote School of Business, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Science. Bio. Building #037 The Health Sciences Library supports all education and research programs of the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University and serves as a valuable resource for the students in the Faculty's...
我觉得UToronto最好 Waterloo可能比UBC稍好一些,差不多吧