Transient over-expression of MCM5 enhanced transcriptional activation by Stat1 in a Ser727-dependent manner. Finally, changes in the level of nuclear localized MCM5 during the cell cycle correlated with the changes in transcriptional response to IFN- acting through Stat1. These results strongly ...
3. Results 3.1. Phylogeny, Multiple Alignments, and Expression of Vpr/x from Representative Strains In order to cover most HIV/SIV lineages and ensure minimum selection bias, HIV/SIV Vpr proteins derived from 10 lentiviruses strains were chosen using the phylogenetic analysis of 96 full-length Vpr...
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(b) Forest plots for the relationships of abnormal MCM5 protein expression with clinicopathological characteristics and the prognosis of patients with GBM. (c) ROC curve analysis according to the 1, 3, and 5-year survival of the area under the AUC value. P<0.05 (d) Kaplan-Meier survival ...
[54] Kanke M, Kodama Y, Takahashi TS, Nakagawa T, Masukata H (2012) Mcm10 plays an essential role in origin DNA unwinding after loading of the CMG components. EMBO J 31: 2182–2194. [55] van Deursen F, Sengupta S, De Piccoli G, Sanchez-Diaz A, Labib K (2012) Mcm10 associates...
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