麦嘉伦谷(McLaren Vale)在阿德莱德市的南面,距阿德莱德市区不到1小时的车程,其东面与洛夫蒂山脉(Mount Lofty)相邻,南至萧力山脉 (Sellicks Hill Range),左面则是圣文仙湾 (Gulf of St. Vincent);西边与太平洋相望,整个地区山峦起伏、溪流交错,风景秀丽。是澳大利亚最早的葡萄种植地区之一。 由于不同地点会受不同程...
麦嘉伦谷(McLaren Vale)位于福乐留(Fleurieu)的中心地区,以出产葡萄酒而闻名。该产区的居民对于美食佳酿有着特别的热情,这或多或少解释了这个产区葡萄酒为何会如此受欢迎。 关于产区的名字由来,有两种说法,一说取自南澳州(South Australia)殖民公司的总裁David McLaren的名字,一说取自1839年来此地做调查的John ...
Discover McLaren Vale, the birthplace of South Australia's wine industry and home to some of the world's oldest grape vines.
关于“响尾蛇酒庄经典红葡萄酒(Cascabel Tipico, McLaren Vale, South Australia) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自澳大利亚南澳州的红葡萄酒,采用西拉、慕合怀特和歌海娜混酿而成。该酒酒液呈宝石红色,具有李子、黑樱桃、黑巧克力和橡木桶陈年赋予的风味,酒体饱满,单宁紧致,酸度适中,整体结构平衡。
Gotham Shiraz, McLaren Vale, South Australia 哥谭酒庄西拉干红葡萄酒 葡萄酒类型:红葡萄酒 酿酒葡萄:设拉子 产区:澳大利亚 Australia>迈拉仑维尔 McLaren Vale 酒庄:哥谭酒庄 哥谭酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: 哥谭酒庄(Gotham Wines) 酒庄拥有者: 布鲁斯(Bruce) ...
Mclaren Vale real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
In the wine‐producing region of McLaren Vale, South Australia, the development of a detailed geology map has worked to increase understandings about the physical diversity of vineyard land. I argue that the production and deployment of social/scientific knowledge through the map is instrumental in...
Main & Cherry McLaren Vale Shiraz, South Australia, Australia 年份全部年份 2015 2014 NV 国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息(NV年份) 产区澳大利亚 » 南澳州 » 迈拉仑维尔 品种设拉子 风味特征黑樱桃 酒款综述 这是一款来自澳大利亚南澳州的红葡萄酒,采用设拉子酿造而成。
Find the best local price for Hazyblur McLaren Vale Shiraz, South Australia. Avg Price (ex-tax) US$52 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.
Home to world-class wines and culinary experiences, explore the McLaren Vale wine region. Scout out your next wine tasting at the top McLaren Vale cellar doors.