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加入購物籃 買滿HK$1200即享免費送貨 於鄰近的屈臣氏酒窖門市領取您的網店訂單 查詢門市庫存 / 即日到店自取 關於此酒 From the Blewitt Springs single-vineyard estate on sand and ironstone soils. It wasn't entirely a surprise that McLaren Vale's first-among-equals winery should have made this gorgeou...
One would be hard-pressed to find a better wine than this for the price. Kirsch, ume, cranberry, bergamot and a scape of pixelated tannin, sandy of feel, directing length. JS 原產地 MCLAREN VALE , 澳洲 葡萄品種 Grenache 類別 紅酒 食物配搭 相比單獨享受美食或美酒,美酒佳餚的完美結合能提供...
Find the best local price for Gemtree Vineyards Pet Nat Rose, McLaren Vale, Australia. Avg Price (ex-tax) ¥180 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.
1.64ha contained in one Certificate of Title • Dress circle Mclaren Vale location • Substantial built improvements • Ample onsite carparking for up to 12 vehicles • Shiraz planting of approx. 1ha with automated irrigation • Opportunity for wine processing or gin/whiskey distillery •...
Shaped from three benchmark vineyards, each from a different sub-region in McLaren Vale: Clarendon - an elevated, cooler site that gives lifted aromatics, fruit purity and elegance. Seaview - north-western edge of McLaren Vale, famed for its distinctive,
McLaren Vale, Australia Avg Price (ex-tax) ¥ 81 / 750ml 3 from 2 User Ratings 85 / 100 3 Critic Reviews Style Red - Rich and Intense Available at only a few outlets in Europe and Oceania. We have only been able to find the 2018 vintage for sale over the last month. ...
原产地 MCLAREN VALE , 澳大利亚 葡萄品种 Grenache 类别 红酒 食物配搭 相比单独享受美食或美酒,美酒佳肴的完美结合能提供更多的乐趣。由於我们每个人对各种口味和喜好的敏感度不同,「完美搭配」的定义各不相同,但这正是配搭美酒佳肴的乐趣。 更多食物配搭资讯 牛肉 羊 产品推荐 Chapel Hill '1948' Old Vi...