其与 F1 GTR 一样,都是基于量产版本的旗舰车型打造。新车在圆石滩车展上出展的涂装也与出现在95年勒芒 Prequalifying 上的 F1 GTR 保持一致。 wait556 Autoart 9 GTR logo结尾 wait556 Autoart 9 6楼自顶 一个赛车车迷 EXOTO 12 顶勒芒车 wait556 Autoart 9 有张裂了... 补下 天蝎...
McLaren Logo That being said, the company came from humble origins. The first ever McLaren M6GT was developed by Bruce McLaren in order to enter the Le Mans in the 1960s. The project did more than just produce a supercar. It was the quickest and fastest car to ever hit the road at ...
The McLaren P1 GTR represents an ultra-low production version of the already mind-bending P1. It is a landmark car which would be the jewel in any collection of modern supercars. This example is all the more desirable for its fantastic and unique specification, not to mention its condition...
图中的试车手是Chris Goodwin,作为Ron Dennis钦点的首席试车手,经历了迈凯轮从1998年勒芒的Mclaren F1 GTR Longtail,到迈凯轮汽车重生的MP4/12C,以及P1和720s的三朝元老。现在跳槽到阿斯顿马丁当试车手。往事不胜嘘唏啊。2018年3月日内瓦车展期间,迈凯轮放出了这张轮廓图。它与后来的完成品相比相似度很高,表明此时的...
说明:专为树立基础品牌形象的企业设计,能直观展示品牌logo、联系方式、品牌介绍及工商注册信息等关键内容,助力企业树立清晰、专业的初步印象。 小形象图模版 案例 说明:专为注重品牌细节与视觉美感的企业设计,通过专属品牌形象小图设计展示,打造既美观又富有内涵的品牌形象,有效展现品牌的独特韵味与魅力。 [兑换视频展...
关心赛车圈的车迷早就留意到,早在去年7月,GULF海湾石油的logo已经出现在鲜橙色的迈凯伦F1赛车上,也从那时起,它们再次正式宣布成为长期战略合作伙伴。而迈凯伦F1车队的表现,在Zak Brown(扎克布朗)的带领下更是一扫以往的颓势,MCL35赛车实力的提升与车手名次的进步令全球车迷都刮目相看,最后在2020年收官战——...
玛莎拉蒂: 买得起高端BBA的,就一定买得起玛莎拉蒂,Ghibli优惠后70万的价格在很多人眼里比BBA香,毕竟有个叉子logo。但是玛莎拉蒂的发动机… 玛莎拉蒂,法拉利,兰博基尼,迈凯伦、保时捷这几个品牌是一个等级的吗? Amor Fati 私募搬砖,泰拳肉靶,找不到存在意义的存在主义悉漂狗 ...
s interior through body coloured seat backs and vent bezels. Rather than the standard gloss carbon fiber, satin finish carbon fibre was utilized for all exterior carbon and the instrument cluster bezel, as to not distract from the paint. Finally, the P1 logo visible in the engine bay was ...
Wasn't there already a P1 GTR? This could be better! Reply LRF - 5 years ago Like There is,made by Eclipse72Rus,replacing SL65AMG,and converted from Real Racing 3. Reply Derplord - 5 years ago Like Eclipse's Mclaren was limited in performance tuning (couldn't be ...
代友出一部迈凯轮P1 定金看车。几千公里的二手车,价格7X 顶级奢华... 9-19 代友出一部迈凯轮P1 定金看车。几千公里的二手车,价格7XX 共9 张 脚踩西瓜... 9-24 0 浙江地区收一台mp4 12c 敞篷版 人在杭州 价格天花板车 niuniu12345651 9-23 浙江地区收一台mp4 12c 敞篷版 人在杭州 价格天花...