相较于机械差速器,迈凯伦首款电子差速器更加轻盈小巧,可精准平衡后轴扭矩。因此,全新Artura在"漂移"时具备更出色的操控表现,并在出弯时获得更强大的牵引力,助力驾驶者畅享激情驾驭。 全新后悬架系统解锁尊崇操控性与瞬间灵敏性,带来超乎想象的稳定性。新型几何理念使后悬架刚度较初代提升一倍,增加了相当于数百公斤的下...
McLaren Artura 从Lando Norris 身上汲取灵感 简介 The full force of McLaren Artura 简介 Defy the limits GT 简介 从Lando Norris 身上汲取灵感 Artura GT 迈凯伦体验 了解更多 720S Spider 了解更多 高级定制 了解更多 经销商 了解更多 认证易手车
Introducing the new Artura, a high-performance hybrid supercar to it's core. From the advanced McLaren Carbon Fibre Lightweight Architecture (MCLA) to the V6 twin-turbocharged hybrid petrol engine that forms its beating heart. Our relentless pursuit of lightness reaches another level. Aerodynamic ...
McLaren Artura - Our next-generation hybrid supercar unveiled An advanced new hybrid design. An electrifyingly intense driving experience. Each element formed by our unique DNA. Every drop of our expertise has been poured into Artura, which has been unveiled at a special reveal event at the McL...
McLAREN ARTURA|文图拉橙。New Car实拍|⚫️2023 McLAREN ARTURA🟠 ⚫️黑橙撞色 极致诱惑🟠 ▪️车身颜色:Ventura Orange 文图拉橙 ▪️内饰搭配:双色调Alcantara➕Nappa皮革座舱饰面➕橙色反光滚边 ▪️车轮配置:星型10幅锻造轮毂
With a new Spider version and several mild updates, the 2025 Artura is poised to defend its title as the makers most affordable McLaren supercar.
近日,迈凯伦发布了旗下插电式混动车型McLaren Artura,因为该车型是艺术展示类车型,所以新车仅在欧洲限量发布一台。◆与德国艺术家塞文·帕克合作 根据官方的说法,McLaren Artura是与德国风评极高的艺术家赛文.帕克合作,采用了现代抽象画元素而精心打造的。而McLaren Artura作为迈凯伦第一台量产的插电式混动跑车,...
2025 Artura 2024 Artura 2023 Artura McLaren Carbon Fibre Lightweight Architecture (MCLA); hybrid powertrain; performance driving technology New Car Previews See the latest and greatest features of the newly redesigned cars, trucks and SUVs headed to a dealer near you. Search by car manufacturer or...
迈凯伦汽车的CEO Michael Leiters表示,Artura Spider是一款完整的下一代超级跑车。无论选择哪种车型,迈凯伦都升级了动力系统和底盘,以提供更多的动力、更高的动态性能和与驾驶者更紧密的连接,同时保证在日常驾驶中不会妥协。 McLaren Artura Spider以其创新的混合动力系统、卓越的驾驶体验和尖端的工程技术,为超级跑车...
点赞16 收藏 微博 QQ空间 微信 举报 【4K | 展示】迈凯伦 Artura | McLaren 迈凯伦 >McLaren > 2024-07-15 23:49:143231播放 内容由作者提供,不代表易车立场 相关车型 Artura 238.00-278.80万 获取底价 luckystar6 311 作品 422 粉丝 2 关注 + 关注...