近日,麦肯锡公司发布了《McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023》2023科技趋势展望报告。为了评估每个趋势的动力(momentum),报告考察了其关注度(interest)、创新性(innovation)等定量指标,同时,鉴于这些趋势的长期性和相互依赖性,麦肯锡还深入研究了每个趋势背后的底层技术和未来挑战等。与往年不同的是,麦肯锡增加了...
October 11, 2023- McKinsey has identified 15 major global technology trends, led by generative AI, that have the most potential to change how we... Podcast The role of social media and tech in Gen Z’s mental health June 22, 2023- ...
2023年7月20日,麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey & Company)发布了《2023技术趋势展望》(McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023)报告。 原文链接:https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/business%20functions/mckinsey%20digital/our%20insights/mckinsey%20technology%20trends%20outlook%202023/mckinsey-technology-trends-...
McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023 (81 pages) After a tumultuous 2022 for technology investment and talent, the first half of 2023 has seen a resurgence of enthusiasm about technology’s potential to catalyze progress in business and society. Generative AI deserves much of the credit for usher...
The two trends that stood out in 2023 were gen AI and electrification and renewables. Gen AI has seen a spike of almost 700 percent in Google searches from 2022 to 2023, along with a notable jump in job postings and investments. The pace of technology innovation has been remarkable. Over ...
In this context, we will delve into the secrets behind McKinsey's latest food trends report, exploring new trends in the restaurant industry in four key areas: culture, health, technology, and social responsibility, giving you a glimpse of what's happening!
Overthepastdecade,ourpublicationsfacingtheglobalinsuranceindustry.The2023 havechronicledtheincreasedinstabilityreportwillbereleasedinchaptersandbuilds thelifeinsuranceandretirementindustryonthatworkwithanewlevelofgranularity hasexperienced.They’vealsoreckonedwithandprecisionofrecommendationsforhow thetrendsthathavebeencausing...
去年年底,我们与各位分享了《慎思行原创合集》大礼包,今天给各位带来了《McKinsey Technology Trends 2022》,这份报告识别并解释了14个最重要的技术趋势。 这项研究以我们去年分享的趋势研究为基础。增加了新的数据和更深入的分析,以提供一个更细化的对两个主题组的趋势进行了更细致的评估。
这项研究以我们去年分享的趋势研究为基础。增加了新的数据和更深入的分析,以提供一个更细化的对两个主题组的趋势进行了更细致的评估。 新动态 首先,基于成熟技术的几种趋势——即应用人工智能、高级连接、生物工程的未来以及云计算和边缘计算——在创新、兴趣和投资的量化指标上比基于技术的趋势得分更高,虽然仍处于...
A3: 图表比较要 "横着看,竖着看,联系关系看(比如某个参量和另一个参量的比率也是有意义的),Trends定要看" 先总起个结论,承认不同地区对于这件事情是有差异看法的:Significant differences by region on how interested people are in collecting their benefits at their nearest Diconsa.解释:不同地区发展不均,...