developed by the McKinsey Global Institute, measures if individuals’ essential needs are being met. It defines a standard basket of basic goods and services for a frugal yet decent quality of life —including country-specific costs for adequate housing, food, healthcare, education, transportation,...
麥肯錫全球研究院(McKinsey Global Institute)的最新報告指出,生成式人工智慧(AI)工具有助於提高生產力,未來可望每年為華爾街銀行帶來3400億美元的利潤[2]。 這些利潤將推動經濟發展,特別是對企業銀行和零售銀行的影響最為顯著[3][4]。 AI工具未來可能應用在更多面向客戶的工作,並將有高達70%的商業活動採用自動化套...
Global connectionsExploring how flows of goods, services, people, capital, and ideas shape economiesThe geometry of global trade is changing. Our analysis of the geopolitical distance of trade found wide variation. From 2017 to 2023, China, Germany, and the United States reduced the geopolitical ...
麦肯锡全球研究院(McKinsey Global Institute)在近期发布的报告中称,随着科技的进步,未来全球大概有3.75亿人口将面临重新就业,其中中国占1亿。麦肯锡报告中分了11个行业大类,看不同国家未来在这些行业的岗位需求变化。其中涉及到创意工作、技术类工程师、管理类以及社会互动类的岗位需求增长明显,因为机器还无法在这些领域...
麦肯锡全球研究院(McKinsey Global Institute)在近期发布的报告中称,随着科技的进步,未来全球大概有3.75亿人口将面临重新就业,其中中国占1亿。麦肯锡报告中分了11个行业大类,看不同国家未来在这些行业的岗位需求变化。其中涉及到创意工作、技术类工程师、管理类以及社会互动类的岗位需求增长明显,因为机器还无法在这些领域...
“Pulse”survey of consumer attitudes in China and several other markets,online transaction data for more than 1,000 product categories across most1 major Chinese ecommerce plats,and economic modeling conducted by the McKinsey Global InstituteMGI.If,and when,consumers bounce back,they will certainly ...
麦肯锡全球研究院(McKinsey Global Institute)在近期发布的报告中称,随着科技的进步,未来全球大概有3.75亿人口将面临重新就业,其中中国占1亿。麦肯锡报告中分了11个行业大类,看不同国家未来在这些行业的岗位需求变化。其中涉及到创意工作、技术类工程师、管理类以及社会互动类的岗位需求增长明显,因为机器还无法在这些领域...
不过,不断膨胀的成本以及与数据隐私和延迟有关的问题导致企业向公有云的迁移速度放缓。然而Uptime Institute Global Data Center最近的一项研究发现,约33%的受访者已经从公有云回迁到数据中心或合作设施。但在那些回迁的企业中,只有6%完全放弃了公有云。大多数采用混合方法,同时使用本地和公有云。10、量子技术...
町 and when, Institute (MGI). , consumers bounce back, they will certainly have a lot of money to spend. 日,and when, consumers bounce back, theγwill certainlγhave a lot of money to spend. ’Includes Tmall, Ta。ba。 口。uyin,and JD , 2023 Mc Kinsey China c。nsumerRep。rt A...
管理 两周一更 The McKinsey Podcast, our new flagship podcast series, takes you inside our global firm, and features conversations with experts on issues that matter most in business and management. McKinsey & Company is a management-consulting firm that helps businesses, governments, and not-for...